[Try it]
Heavily inspired by Neuro-sama
pnpm i
pnpm dev
- SugarcaneDefender/z-waif: Great at gaming, autonomous, and prompt engineering
- semperai/amica: Great at VRM, WebXR
- elizaOS/eliza: Great examples and software engineering on how to integrate agent into various of systems and APIs
- ardha27/AI-Waifu-Vtuber: Great about Twitch API integrations
- InsanityLabs/AIVTuber: Nice UI and UX
- IRedDragonICY/vixevia
- t41372/Open-LLM-VTuber
- PeterH0323/Streamer-Sales
- pixiv/ChatVRM
- josephrocca/ChatVRM-js: A JS conversion/adaptation of parts of the ChatVRM (TypeScript) code for standalone use in OpenCharacters and elsewhere
- Design of UI and style was inspired by Cookard, UNBEATABLE, and Sensei! I like you so much!, and artworks of Ayame by Mercedes Bazan with Wish by Mercedes Bazan
- mallorbc/whisper_mic