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Merge pull request #64 from mniederw/trunk
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Merge trunk to main - Unittests are successful - V7.31
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mniederw authored Dec 3, 2023
2 parents 490afce + f16de25 commit 7171d3b
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Showing 3 changed files with 48 additions and 36 deletions.
74 changes: 43 additions & 31 deletions Install.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
# Do not change the following line, it is a powershell statement and not a comment!
#Requires -Version 3.0
param( [String] $sel )
param( [String] $sel ) # if $sel = "Install" then reinstall in standard mode and exit.
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest; # Prohibits: refs to uninit vars, including uninit vars in strings; refs to non-existent properties of an object; function calls that use the syntax for calling methods; variable without a name (${}).
$PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference = "none"; # disable autoloading modules
trap [Exception] { $Host.UI.WriteErrorLine($_); $HOST.UI.RawUI.ReadKey()|Out-Null; break; } $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";
Expand All @@ -26,19 +26,19 @@ function FsEntryMakeTrailingDirSep ( [String] $fsEntry ){
function FsEntryGetAbsolutePath ( [String] $fsEntry ){ return [String] ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($fsEntry)); }
function OsPsModulePathList (){ return [String[]] ([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath", "Machine").
Split(";",[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)); }
function OsPsModulePathContains ( [String] $dir ){ # ex: "D:\WorkGit\myaccount\MyPsLibRepoName"
function OsPsModulePathContains ( [String] $dir ){ # ex: "D:\WorkGit\myuser\MyPsLibRepoName"
[String[]] $a = (OsPsModulePathList | ForEach-Object{ FsEntryRemoveTrailingDirSep $_ });
return [Boolean] ($a -contains (FsEntryRemoveTrailingDirSep $dir)); }
function OsPsModulePathAdd ( [String] $dir ){ if( OsPsModulePathContains $dir ){ return; }
function OsPsModulePathAdd ( [String] $dir ){ if( (OsPsModulePathContains $dir) ){ return; }
OsPsModulePathSet ((OsPsModulePathList)+@( (FsEntryRemoveTrailingDirSep $dir) )); }
function OsPsModulePathDel ( [String] $dir ){ OsPsModulePathSet (OsPsModulePathList |
Where-Object{ (FsEntryRemoveTrailingDirSep $_) -ne (FsEntryRemoveTrailingDirSep $dir) }); }
function OsPsModulePathSet ( [String[]] $pathList ){ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath", ($pathList -join ";")+";", "Machine"); }
function DirExists ( [String] $dir ){ try{ return [Boolean] (Test-Path -PathType Container -LiteralPath $dir ); }
catch{ throw [Exception] "DirExists($dir) failed because $($_.Exception.Message)"; } }
function DirListDirs ( [String] $d ){ return [String[]] (@()+(Get-ChildItem -Force -Directory -Path $d | ForEach-Object{ $_.FullName })); }
function DirHasFiles ( [String] $d, [String] $filePattern ){
return [Boolean] ($null -ne (Get-ChildItem -Force -Recurse -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path "$d\$filePattern")); }
function DirListDirs ( [String] $dir ){ return [String[]] (@()+(Get-ChildItem -Force -Directory -Path $dir | ForEach-Object{ $_.FullName })); }
function DirHasFiles ( [String] $dir, [String] $filePattern ){
return [Boolean] ($null -ne (Get-ChildItem -Force -Recurse -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path "$dir\$filePattern")); }
function ScriptGetTopCaller (){ [String] $f = $global:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition.Trim();
if( $f -eq "" -or $f -eq "ScriptGetTopCaller" ){ return ""; }
if( $f.StartsWith("&") ){ $f = $f.Substring(1,$f.Length-1).Trim(); }
Expand All @@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ function ProcessRestartInElevatedAdminMode (){ if( -not (ProcessIsRunningInEl
OutProgress "Not running in elevated administrator mode so elevate current script and exit: `n $cmd";
Start-Process -Verb "RunAs" -FilePath (ProcessPsExecutable) -ArgumentList "& `"$cmd`" ";
[Environment]::Exit("0"); throw [Exception] "Exit done, but it did not work, so it throws now an exception."; } }
function ShellSessionIs64not32Bit (){ if( "$env:ProgramFiles" -eq "$env:ProgramW6432" ){ return [Boolean] $true ; }
function ShellSessionIs64not32Bit (){ if( "$env:ProgramFiles" -eq "$env:ProgramW6432" ){ return [Boolean] $true ; }
elseif( "$env:ProgramFiles" -eq "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}" ){ return [Boolean] $false; }
else{ throw [Exception] "Expected ProgramFiles=`"$env:ProgramFiles`" to be equals to ProgramW6432=`"$env:ProgramW6432`" or ProgramFilesx86=`"${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}`" "; } }
function UninstallDir ( [String] $d ){ OutProgress "RemoveDir '$d'. ";
if( DirExists $d ){ ProcessRestartInElevatedAdminMode; Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -LiteralPath $d; } }
function UninstallSrcPath ( [String] $d ){ OutProgress "UninstallSrcPath '$d'. ";
if( (OsPsModulePathContains $d) ){ ProcessRestartInElevatedAdminMode; OsPsModulePathDel $d; } }
function UninstallDir ( [String] $dir ){ OutProgress "RemoveDir '$dir'. ";
if( (DirExists $dir) ){ ProcessRestartInElevatedAdminMode; Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -LiteralPath $dir; } }
function UninstallSrcPath ( [String] $dir ){ OutProgress "UninstallSrcPath '$dir'. ";
if( (OsPsModulePathContains $dir) ){ ProcessRestartInElevatedAdminMode; OsPsModulePathDel $dir; } }
function InstallDir ( [String] $srcDir, [String] $tarParDir ){ OutProgress "Copy '$srcDir' `n to '$tarParDir'. ";
ProcessRestartInElevatedAdminMode; Copy-Item -Force -Recurse -LiteralPath $srcDir -Destination $tarParDir; }
function InstallSrcPathToPsModulePathIfNotInst( [String] $srcDir ){ OutProgress "Change environment system variable PSModulePath by appending '$srcDir'. ";
Expand All @@ -79,24 +79,46 @@ function AddToPsModulePath ( [String] $dir ){
function OsIsWindows (){ return [Boolean] ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq "Win32NT"); }

# see
[String] $tarRootDir32bit = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\WindowsPowerShell\Modules";
[String] $tarRootDir64bit = "$env:ProgramW6432\WindowsPowerShell\Modules";
[String] $srcRootDir = $PSScriptRoot; if( $srcRootDir -eq "" ){ $srcRootDir = FsEntryGetAbsolutePath "."; } # ex: "D:\WorkGit\myaccount\MyNameOfPsToolLib_master"
[String] $linuxTargetDir = "$HOME/.local/share/powershell/Modules";
[String] $tarRootDir32bit = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\WindowsPowerShell\Modules";
[String] $tarRootDir64bit = "$env:ProgramW6432\WindowsPowerShell\Modules";
[String] $srcRootDir = $PSScriptRoot; if( $srcRootDir -eq "" ){ $srcRootDir = FsEntryGetAbsolutePath "."; } # ex: "D:\WorkGit\myuser\MyNameOfPsToolLib_master"
[String[]] $dirsWithPsm1Files = @()+(DirListDirs $srcRootDir | Where-Object{ DirHasFiles $_ "*.psm1" });
if( $dirsWithPsm1Files.Count -ne 1 ){ throw [Exception] "Tool is designed for working below '$srcRootDir' with exactly one directory which contains psm1 files but found $($dirsWithPsm1Files.Count) dirs ($dirsWithPsm1Files)"; }
[String] $moduleSrcDir = $dirsWithPsm1Files[0]; # ex: "D:\WorkGit\myaccount\MyNameOfPsToolLib_master\MyNameOfPsToolLib"
[String] $moduleSrcDir = $dirsWithPsm1Files[0]; # ex: "D:\WorkGit\myuser\MyNameOfPsToolLib_master\MyNameOfPsToolLib" or "/home/myuser/WorkExt/mniederw/MnCommonPsToolLib#trunk/MnCommonPsToolLib"
[String] $moduleName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($moduleSrcDir); # ex: "MyNameOfPsToolLib"
[String] $moduleTarDir32bit = "$tarRootDir32bit\$moduleName";
[String] $moduleTarDir64bit = "$tarRootDir64bit\$moduleName";
[String] $moduleTarDirLinux = "$linuxTargetDir/$moduleName";

function CurrentInstallationModes( [String] $color = "White" ){
if( DirExists $moduleTarDir64bit ){ OutStringInColor $color "Installed-in-Std-Mode-for-64bit " $true; }else{ OutStringInColor "Gray" "Not-Installed-in-Std-Mode-for-64bit " $true; }
if( DirExists $moduleTarDir32bit ){ OutStringInColor $color "Installed-in-Std-Mode-for-32bit " $true; }else{ OutStringInColor "Gray" "Not-Installed-in-Std-Mode-for-32bit " $true; }
if( OsPsModulePathContains $srcRootDir ){ OutStringInColor $color "Installed-for-Developers " $true; }else{ OutStringInColor "Gray" "Not-Installed-for-Developers " $true; }
if( (OsIsWindows) ){
if( (DirExists $moduleTarDir64bit) ){ OutStringInColor $color "Installed-in-Std-Mode-for-64bit " $true; }else{ OutStringInColor "Gray" "Not-Installed-in-Std-Mode-for-64bit " $true; }
if( (DirExists $moduleTarDir32bit) ){ OutStringInColor $color "Installed-in-Std-Mode-for-32bit " $true; }else{ OutStringInColor "Gray" "Not-Installed-in-Std-Mode-for-32bit " $true; }
if( (OsPsModulePathContains $srcRootDir) ){ OutStringInColor $color "Installed-for-Developers " $true; }else{ OutStringInColor "Gray" "Not-Installed-for-Developers " $true; }
if( (DirExists $moduleTarDirLinux) ){ OutStringInColor $color "Installed-in-Std-Mode-for-Linux " $true; }else{ OutStringInColor "Gray" "Not-Installed-in-Std-Mode-for-Linux " $true; }
OutInfo "";

function InstallStandardMode(){
OutProgress "Install or reinstall in standard mode. ";
if( (OsIsWindows) ){
UninstallDir $moduleTarDir32bit;
UninstallDir $moduleTarDir64bit;
UninstallSrcPath $srcRootDir;
InstallDir $moduleSrcDir $tarRootDir32bit;
InstallDir $moduleSrcDir $tarRootDir64bit;
OutProgress "Delete-and-Copy `"$moduleSrcDir`" to `"$moduleTarDirLinux`" ";
if( (DirExists $moduleTarDirLinux) ){ Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -LiteralPath $moduleTarDirLinux; }
Copy-Item -Force -Recurse -LiteralPath $moduleSrcDir -Destination $linuxTargetDir;
OutProgressText "Current installation modes: "; CurrentInstallationModes "Green";

if( $sel -eq "Install" ){ InstallStandardMode; [Environment]::Exit("0"); }

# for future use: [Boolean] $isDev = DirExists "$srcRootDir\.git";
OutInfo "Install Menu for Powershell Module - $moduleName";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,12 +186,7 @@ if( (OsIsWindows) ){
UninstallDir $moduleTarDir64bit;
UninstallSrcPath $srcRootDir;
OutProgressText "Current installation modes: "; CurrentInstallationModes "Green"; }
if( $sel -eq "I" ){ UninstallDir $moduleTarDir32bit;
UninstallDir $moduleTarDir64bit;
UninstallSrcPath $srcRootDir;
InstallDir $moduleSrcDir $tarRootDir32bit;
InstallDir $moduleSrcDir $tarRootDir64bit;
OutProgressText "Current installation modes: "; CurrentInstallationModes "Green"; }
if( $sel -eq "I" ){ InstallStandardMode; }
if( $sel -eq "A" ){ UninstallDir $moduleTarDir32bit;
UninstallDir $moduleTarDir64bit;
InstallSrcPathToPsModulePathIfNotInst $srcRootDir;
Expand All @@ -180,8 +197,7 @@ if( (OsIsWindows) ){
}else{ # non-windows
OutProgress " Running on Non-Windows OS (Linux, MacOS) ";
OutProgress " so currently this installation installs it locally not globally. ";
[String] $targetDir = "$HOME/.local/share/powershell/Modules";
OutProgress " TargetDir: `"$targetDir`" ";
OutProgress " LinuxTargetDir: `"$linuxTargetDir`" ";
OutInfo " ";
OutInfo " I = Install or reinstall in standard mode. ";
OutInfo " Q = Quit. `n";
Expand All @@ -190,11 +206,7 @@ if( (OsIsWindows) ){
OutQuestion "Enter selection case insensitive and press enter: ";
$sel = (Read-Host);
if( $sel -eq "I" ){ [String] $d = "$targetDir/$moduleName";
OutProgress "Delete-and-Copy `"$moduleSrcDir`" to `"$d`" ";
if( DirExists $d ){ Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -LiteralPath $d; }
Copy-Item -Force -Recurse -LiteralPath $moduleSrcDir -Destination $targetDir;
if( $sel -eq "I" ){ InstallStandardMode; }
if( $sel -eq "Q" ){ OutProgress "Quit."; }
OutQuestion "Finished. Press enter to exit. "; Read-Host;
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions MnCommonPsToolLib/MnCommonPsToolLib.psm1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1179,7 +1179,7 @@ function FsEntryTrySetOwnerAndAclsIfNotSet ( [String] $fsEntry, [System.Secur
ForEach-Object{ FsEntryTrySetOwnerAndAclsIfNotSet $_ $account $true };
OutWarning "FsEntryTrySetOwnerAndAclsIfNotSet `"$fsEntry`" $account $recursive : Failed because $($_.Exception.Message)";
OutWarning "Warning: FsEntryTrySetOwnerAndAclsIfNotSet `"$fsEntry`" $account $recursive : Failed because $($_.Exception.Message)";
} }
function FsEntryTryForceRenaming ( [String] $fsEntry, [String] $extension ){
if( (FsEntryExists $fsEntry) ){
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2101,7 +2101,7 @@ function GitMerge ( [String] $repoDir, [String] $bra
OutProgress $out;
if( -not $errorAsWarning ){ throw [Exception] "Merge failed, fix conflicts manually: $_.Exception.Message"; }
OutWarning "Merge of branch $branch into `"$repoDir`" failed, fix conflicts manually. ";
OutWarning "Warning: Merge of branch $branch into `"$repoDir`" failed, fix conflicts manually. ";
} }
function GithubPrepareCommand (){ # otherwise we would get: "A new release of gh is available: 2.7.0 → v2.31.0\n"
ProcessEnvVarSet "GH_NO_UPDATE_NOTIFIER" "1" -traceCmd:$false; }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2266,7 +2266,7 @@ function GitCloneOrPullUrls ( [String[]] $listOfRepoUrls, [Str
GitCmd "CloneOrPull" $tarRootDirOfAllRepos $url $errorAsWarning;
[String] $msg = $_.Exception.Message; OutError $msg; $errorLines += $msg;
[String] $msg = "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"; OutError $msg; $errorLines += $msg;
if( $listOfRepoUrls.Count -eq 1 ){ GetOne $listOfRepoUrls[0]; }
Expand All @@ -2276,7 +2276,7 @@ function GitCloneOrPullUrls ( [String[]] $listOfRepoUrls, [Str
GitCmd "CloneOrPull" $using:tarRootDirOfAllRepos $using:_ $using:errorAsWarning;
[String] $msg = $_.Exception.Message; OutError $msg;
[String] $msg = "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"; OutError $msg;
FileAppendLine $using:tmp $msg;
} } | Wait-Job | Remove-Job;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Releasenotes.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Major version will reflect breaking changes, minor identifies extensions and thi
Breaking changes are usually removed deprecated functions or changed behaviours.
Current version can be requested by: $MnCommonPsToolLibVersion

2023-12-03 V7.31 Make ConsoleSetGuiProperties portable for ubuntu.
2023-12-03 V7.31 Make ConsoleSetGuiProperties portable for linux. Improve install for linux.
2023-11-13 V7.30 Improve DateTimeFromStringIso, Fix portability issues in DateTimeFromStringOrDateTimeValue, ToolGithubApiDownloadLatestReleaseDir. Add Unittests.
2023-11-12 V7.29 Fix StringSplitToArray and extend its unittest.
2023-11-01 V7.28 Add ToolListBranchCommit. Extend ProcessEnvVarSet by traceCmd.
Expand Down

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