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mniederw committed Jan 22, 2024
1 parent 3d97271 commit 5585476
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Showing 3 changed files with 39 additions and 32 deletions.
61 changes: 38 additions & 23 deletions MnCommonPsToolLib/MnCommonPsToolLib.psm1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1075,14 +1075,15 @@ function FsEntryCreateHardLink ( [String] $newHardLink, [String]
# for files or dirs, origin must exists, it requires elevated rights.
New-Item -ItemType HardLink -Name (FsEntryEsc $newHardLink) -Value (FsEntryEsc $fsEntryOrigin); }
function FsEntryCreateDirSymLink ( [String] $symLinkDir, [String] $symLinkOriginDir ){
# Creates junctions which are symlinks to dirs with some slightly other behaviour around privileges and local/remote usage.
if( !(DirExists $symLinkOriginDir) ){
# Create symlinks to dirs. On windows creates junctions which are symlinks to dirs with some slightly other behaviour around privileges and local/remote usage.
if( !(DirExists $symLinkOriginDir) ){
throw [Exception] "Cannot create dir sym link because original directory not exists: `"$symLinkOriginDir`""; }
FsEntryAssertNotExists $symLinkDir "Cannot create dir sym link";
[String] $cd = Get-Location;
Set-Location (FsEntryGetParentDir $symLinkDir);
[String] $symLinkName = FsEntryGetFileName $symLinkDir;
& "cmd.exe" "/c" ('mklink /J "'+$symLinkName+'" "'+$symLinkOriginDir+'"'); AssertRcIsOk;
if( (OsIsWindows) ){ & "cmd.exe" "/c" ('mklink /J "'+$symLinkName+'" "'+$symLinkOriginDir+'"'); AssertRcIsOk; }
else{ & "ln" "--symbolic" $symLinkOriginDir $symLinkName; AssertRcIsOk; }
Set-Location $cd; }
function FsEntryIsSymLink ( [String] $fsEntry ){ # tested only for dirs; return false if fs-entry not exists.
if( FsEntryNotExists $fsEntry ){ return $false; }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1368,12 +1369,14 @@ function FileContentsAreEqual ( [String] $f1, [String] $f2, [Boo
[Int32] $nrOfBlocks = [Math]::Ceiling($fi1.Length/$BlockSizeInBytes);
[Byte[]] $a1 = New-Object byte[] $BlockSizeInBytes;
[Byte[]] $a2 = New-Object byte[] $BlockSizeInBytes;
if( $false ){ # Much more performant (20 sec for 5 GB file).
if( $fi1.Length -ne $fi2.Length ){ return [Boolean] $false; }
& "fc.exe" "/b" ($fi1.FullName) ($fi2.FullName) > $null; # TODO make this portable
if( $? ){ return [Boolean] $true; }
if( $fi1.Length -ne $fi2.Length ){ return [Boolean] $false; }
# Alternative: use: sha256sum file1 file2;
if( $true ){ # Much more performant (20 sec for 5 GB file).
if( (OsIsWindows) ){ & "fc.exe" "/b" ($fi1.FullName) ($fi2.FullName) > $null; }
else{ & "cmp" "-s" ($fi1.FullName) ($fi2.FullName) | Out-Null; }
[Boolean] $result = $?;
return [Boolean] $false;
return [Boolean] $result;
}else{ # Slower but more portable (longer than 5 min).
$fs1 = $fi1.OpenRead();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1539,6 +1542,15 @@ function NetAdapterGetConnectionStatusName ( [Int32] $netConnectionStatusNr )
11{"Invalid address"}
12{"Credentials required"}
default{"unknownNr=$netConnectionStatusNr"} }); }
function NetPingHostIsConnectable ( [String] $hostName, [Boolean] $doRetryWithFlushDns = $false ){
if( (Test-Connection -ComputerName $hostName -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -quiet) ){ return [Boolean] $true; } # later in ps V6 use -TimeoutSeconds 3 default is 5 sec
if( -not $doRetryWithFlushDns ){ return [Boolean] $false; }
OutVerbose "Host $hostName not reachable, so flush dns, nslookup and retry";
if( OsIsWindows ){ & "ipconfig.exe" "/flushdns" | Out-Null; AssertRcIsOk; }
else{ & "resolvectl" "flush-caches" | Out-Null; AssertRcIsOk; }
try{ [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($hostName); }catch{ OutVerbose "Ignoring GetHostByName($hostName) failed because $($_.Exception.Message)"; }
# nslookup $hostName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null;
return [Boolean] (Test-Connection -ComputerName $hostName -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -quiet); }
<# Type: ServerCertificateValidationCallback #> Add-Type -TypeDefinition "using System;using System.Net;using System.Net.Security;using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class ServerCertificateValidationCallback { public static void Ignore() { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate( Object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors ){ return true; }; } } ";
function NetWebRequestLastModifiedFailSafe ( [String] $url ){ # Requests metadata from a downloadable file. Return DateTime.MaxValue in case of any problem
[net.WebResponse] $resp = $null;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2960,25 +2972,28 @@ function TfsCheckinDirWhenNoConflict ( [String] $wsdir, [String] $tfsPa
function TfsUndoAllLocksInDir ( [String] $dir ){ # Undo all locks below dir to cleanup a previous failed operation as from merging.
OutProgress "& `"$(TfsExe)`" vc undo /noprompt /recursive `"$dir`"";
[String[]] $out = @()+(& (TfsExe) vc undo /noprompt /recursive $dir); AssertRcIsOk $out; }
function SqlGetCmdExe (){ # old style. It is recommended to use: SqlPerformFile
[String] $k1 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\ClientSetup"; # sql server 2016
[String] $k2 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\ClientSetup"; # sql server 2014
[String] $k3 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\ClientSetup"; # sql server 2012
[String] $k4 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\ClientSetup"; # sql server 2008
[String] $k = "";
if ( (RegistryExistsValue $k1 "Path") -and (FileExists ((RegistryGetValueAsString $k1 "Path")+"sqlcmd.EXE")) ){ $k = $k1; }
elseif( (RegistryExistsValue $k2 "Path") -and (FileExists ((RegistryGetValueAsString $k2 "Path")+"sqlcmd.EXE")) ){ $k = $k2; }
elseif( (RegistryExistsValue $k3 "Path") -and (FileExists ((RegistryGetValueAsString $k3 "Path")+"sqlcmd.EXE")) ){ $k = $k3; }
elseif( (RegistryExistsValue $k4 "Path") -and (FileExists ((RegistryGetValueAsString $k4 "Path")+"sqlcmd.EXE")) ){ $k = $k4; }
else { throw [ExcMsg] "Wether Sql Server 2016, 2014, 2012 nor 2008 is installed, so cannot find sqlcmd.exe"; }
[String] $sqlcmd = (RegistryGetValueAsString $k "Path") + "sqlcmd.EXE"; # "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.EXE"
return [String] $sqlcmd; }
function SqlGetCmdExe (){
[String] $result = (ProcessFindExecutableInPath "sqlcmd.EXE");
if( $result -eq "" ){
# old style. It is recommended to use: SqlPerformFile
$result = @(
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Tools\ClientSetup" # sql server 2022 and 2019
,"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\ClientSetup" # sql server 2017
,"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\ClientSetup" # sql server 2016
,"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\ClientSetup" # sql server 2014
,"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\ClientSetup" # sql server 2012
,"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\ClientSetup" # sql server 2008
) | Where-Object{ (RegistryExistsValue $_ "Path") } |
ForEach-Object{ ((RegistryGetValueAsString $_ "Path")+"sqlcmd.EXE") } |
Where-Object{ (FileExists $_) } | Select-Object -First 1; # ex: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.EXE"
if( $result -eq "" ){ throw [ExcMsg] "Cannot find sqlcmd.exe wether in path nor is any Sql Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2014, 2012 or 2008 installed. "; }
return [String] $result; }
function SqlRunScriptFile ( [String] $sqlserver, [String] $sqlfile, [String] $outFile, [Boolean] $continueOnErr ){ # old style. It is recommended to use: SqlPerformFile
FileAssertExists $sqlfile;
OutProgress "SqlRunScriptFile sqlserver=$sqlserver sqlfile=`"$sqlfile`" out=`"$outfile`" contOnErr=$continueOnErr";
[String] $sqlcmd = SqlGetCmdExe;
FsEntryCreateParentDir $outfile;
& $sqlcmd "-b" "-S" $sqlserver "-i" $sqlfile "-o" $outfile;
& (SqlGetCmdExe) "-b" "-S" $sqlserver "-i" $sqlfile "-o" $outfile;
if( -not $? ){ if( ! $continueOnErr ){ AssertRcIsOk; }
else{ OutWarning "Warning: Ignore SqlRunScriptFile `"$sqlfile`" on `"$sqlserver`" failed with rc=$(ScriptGetAndClearLastRc), more see outfile, will continue"; } }
FileAssertExists $outfile; }
Expand Down
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions MnCommonPsToolLib/MnCommonPsToolLib_Windows.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -582,14 +582,6 @@ function NetAdapterListAll (){
return [Object[]] (@()+(Get-CimInstance -Class win32_networkadapter |
Where-Object{$null -ne $_} |
Select-Object Name,NetConnectionID,MACAddress,Speed,@{Name="Status";Expression={(NetAdapterGetConnectionStatusName $_.NetConnectionStatus)}})); }
function NetPingHostIsConnectable ( [String] $hostName, [Boolean] $doRetryWithFlushDns = $false ){
if( (Test-Connection -ComputerName $hostName -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -quiet) ){ return [Boolean] $true; } # later in ps V6 use -TimeoutSeconds 3 default is 5 sec
if( -not $doRetryWithFlushDns ){ return [Boolean] $false; }
OutVerbose "Host $hostName not reachable, so flush dns, nslookup and retry";
& "ipconfig.exe" "/flushdns" | Out-Null; AssertRcIsOk; # note option /registerdns would require more privs
try{ [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($hostName); }catch{ OutVerbose "Ignoring GetHostByName($hostName) failed because $($_.Exception.Message)"; }
# nslookup $hostName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | out-null;
return [Boolean] (Test-Connection -ComputerName $hostName -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -quiet); }
function NetGetIpConfig (){ [String[]] $out = @()+(& "IPCONFIG.EXE" "/ALL" ); AssertRcIsOk $out; return [String[]] $out; }
function NetGetNetView (){ [String[]] $out = @()+(& "NET.EXE" "VIEW" $ComputerName ); AssertRcIsOk $out; return [String[]] $out; }
function NetGetNetStat (){ [String[]] $out = @()+(& "NETSTAT.EXE" "/A" ); AssertRcIsOk $out; return [String[]] $out; }
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Releasenotes.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Major version will reflect breaking changes, minor identifies extensions and thi
Breaking changes are usually removed deprecated functions or changed behaviours.
Current version can be requested by: $MnCommonPsToolLibVersion

2024-01-21 V7.34 Improve GitCloneOrPullUrls, fix git-restore, modify GitCloneOrPull, extend Doc.
2024-01-21 V7.34 Improve GitCloneOrPullUrls, fix git-restore, modify GitCloneOrPull, extend Doc, make NetPingHostIsConnectable portable, modify FileContentsAreEqual, modify SqlGetCmdExe.
2024-01-19 V7.33 Extend ToolSignDotNetAssembly, extend GitCmd, extend Doc.
2023-12-28 V7.32 Improve NetDownloadFile by using wget2.
2023-12-03 V7.31 Make ConsoleSetGuiProperties portable for linux. Improve install for linux.
Expand Down

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