Port of JsMessage library ( http://dhtmlx.github.io/message/ )
Nice looking notifications, alerts and confirmations
message.info("This is test Info message");
message.error("This is test Error message");
message.warning("This is test Warning message");
You can define message expiration time like next
message.info("Will expire in 8 seconds", expire: 8);
message.alert("Test alert");
Alert does not block code execution, if you need to catch the alert closing, you can use code like next
message.alert("Test alert").then(
(result) => some_code()
message.confirm("Are you sure");
Confirm does not block code execution, To get the confirm result you can use code like next
message.confirm("Are you sure").then(
(result) => some_code()
where result will be an "ok" or "cancel" string
When you want to have a custom set of buttons - you can use modal box
message.modalbox("Custom box", width:"500px", buttons:{
"ok" : "Do It",
"unsure" : "Not sure",
"cancel" : "Ignore"
}).then((result) => message.alert(result));
Available under MIT license terms