Movie Trends it's an example using Flutter for Android and iOS.
For the TheMovie Db you need to create a file called "keys.dart" over "/lib/utils/" and add the following with your key:
part of app_movie;
class Keys {
static final apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
To generate a new key you must create an account over TheMovieDb and clicking the "API" link from the left hand sidebar within your account settings.
For Firebase, add your files under:
For signing the APK you need to create a file under:
with the following dat:
keyAlias="your key alias"
storePassword="your store password"
keyPassword="your key password"
storeFile="path of you .keystore"
Your keystore goes under
- Firebase
- Login Screen
- Loading Screen
- Grid and List views
- Nested Scroll views
- Pagination
- TheMovie Db API
- Async tasks
- Custom Views
- Utils / Date formats
- Intent Uri launcher
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