Setup kubernetes cluster with prometheus and Grafana as monitoring and private Docker registry all backed with glusterfs file storage.
Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with Ansible 2.7.*
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible-2.7
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ansible
Atleast Three VPS with 4GB RAM, 2vCPU for Master, Node and GlusterFS server.
Use ubuntu user to interact with Cluster after successful installation
Generate SSH-KEY on Master and add it to all Servers including Master, Nodes and GlusterFS.
Edit registry-with-authentication/configMap-docker.yaml with your own desired S3 Compatible storage.
Edit hosts With IPs and Addresses.
ansible-playbook -i hosts main.yaml
Certificate Names Can only contain alphabetic characters and hyphens.
grafana_admin_pw Must start with an alphabetic character.