An R package incorporating a set of functions for computing potential evapotranspiration and several widely used drought indices including the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI).
Functions spei and spi are the workhorse of the SPEI library. Other functions such as kern, cdfglo or pglo are auxiliary low-level functions and they will not be used directly by the typical user. Functions for computing potential evapotranspiration are provided, too, for helping computing the SPEI. They are: thornthwaite, hargreaves and penman.
S.M. Vicente-Serrano, S. Beguería, J.I. López-Moreno. 2010. A Multi-scalar drought index sensitive to global warming: The Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index – SPEI. Journal of Climate 23: 1696, DOI: 10.1175/2009JCLI2909.1.
_Version 1.6, September 2013 (current)
_Version 1.6, September 2013.
- Corrected an error in the function \code{\link{thornthwaite}} which resulted in wrong potential evapotranspiration estimates when a multivariate time series was used as input.
- Corrected an error in the function \code{\link{spi}} which resulted in wrong handling of zero precipitation months when using the Gamma or PearsonIII distribution.
- Minor fixes to the \code{\link{spi}} and \code{\link{plot.spei}} functions to correctly handle \code{spei} objects when they result from a call to \code{\link{spi}}.
- Modification to the \code{\link{kern}} function, which now yields kernel coefficients averaging one.
- Corrected an error in the functions \code{\link{spi}} and \code{\link{spei}} which resulted in ub-pwm method being used irrespective of the value of the \code{fit} parameter used, when using the 'Gamma' or 'PearsonIII' distributions.
- Minor changes to the documentation.
_Version 1.5, May 2013.
- Optimization of function \code{\link{spei}}, now using embed() for accumulating the data at the desired time scale.
_Version 1.4, May 2013.
- Minor fixes to functions \code{\link{penman}} and \code{\link{pwm}}.
- Documentation of the penman function defined by mistake ed as the saturation vapour pressure, while it should read 'actual vapour pressure'.
- Function zzz.R added to display basic information about the SPEI package at startup.
- Function \code{\link{SPEINews}} added to display the NEWS file.
_Version 1.3, March 2013.
- Minor fixes to functions \code{\link{spei}} and \code{\link{penman}}.
- Added new option for user-supplied SPEI parameters in the \code{\link{spei}} function. This overrides the fitting of a probability function to the data.
- Added new dataset \code{\link{cabinda}} from Allen et al. (1998).
_Version 1.2, October 2012.
- Fixed a bug causing several functions to fail when a time series not belonging to matrix class was provided.
- Function \code{\link{plot.spei}} now distinguises between calls to spei and spi and labels the axis accordingly.
_Version 1.1, March 2012.
- Functions \code{\link{spei}} and \code{\link{spi}} now yield an object of class "spei".
- New functions for summarizing and plotting "spei" objects are provided.
- An option to establish a reference period for the computation of the indices has been implemented in functions \code{\link{spei}} and \code{\link{spi}}.
_Version 1.0, January 2012.
First release of the SPEI package.
- Complete documentation for pwmLC.Rd.
- Review method plot.spei() that produces wrong results in some cases.
- Parallel processing - branch parallel.
- Analysis function - branch corel_anal.
Feel free to write an issue if you have any questions or problems.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.