personal neovim settings based on the starter template for LazyVim. Refer to the documentation to get started.
git clone %LOCALAPPDATA%\nvim && nvim
Some pre-requisites should be installed as well.
choco install llvm zig ripgrep git lazygit fd
Install Nerdfont compatible fonts. For Japanese support, HackGen NF can be used.
You can install using chocolatey in Windows.
choco install font-hackgen-nerd
On Arch, install aur package ttf-hackgen
yay -Sy ttf-hackgen
git clone ~/.config/nvim && nvim
Only notable changes to the LazyVim is described below.
Replaced with zenhan for windows usage. May be added in future for Linux/MacOS
im-select must be installed prior to use.
Prerequisite is to install clang or zig compilers.
choco install llvm
choco install zig
Compiler option is overridden.
spzenhan.exe must be available in the %PATH%.
Resources I refered to other than the plugin documents are as follows.
To add context menu, use the following (edited to be compatible with chocolaty neovim install). Original registry is here
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;; Neovim-Qt
@="Edit with Neovim-Qt"
@="\"C:\\tools\\neovim\\nvim-win64\\bin\\vim-qt.exe\" \"%1\""
@="Open with Neovim-Qt"
@="\"C:\\tools\\neovim\\nvim-win64\\bin\\nvim-qt.exe\" \"%1\""
@="Open Neovim-Qt here"
@="\"C:\\tools\\neovim\\nvim-win64\\bin\\nvim-qt.exe\" \"%v\""
;; NeoVim
@="Edit with Neovim"
@="wt -p \"Windows PowerShell\" --title Neovim C:\\tools\\neovim\\nvim-win64\\bin\\nvim.exe \"%1\""
@="Open with Neovim"
@="wt -p \"Windows PowerShell\" --title Neovim C:\\tools\\neovim\\nvim-win64\\bin\\nvim.exe \"%v\""
@="Open Neovim here"
@="wt -p \"Windows PowerShell\" --title Neovim C:\\tools\\neovim\\nvim-win64\\bin\\nvim.exe \"%v\""