While experimenting with Pyton and other fresh material found on the internet.
Exploring with uv brew install uv
a python package manager that can replace PIP with its speed, as it was built in RUST.
Useful reads and documentation:
- https://astral.sh/blog/uv
- https://docs.astral.sh/uv/
- https://youtu.be/qh98qOND6MI?si=FzJGVmxhdYc3q8ss
When moving to a different machine, you can install dependencies with uv run
and it will install all the dependencies from the pyproject.toml
file and also will create a virtual environment for you.
Creating a fast-api with uvicorn and testing in Postman.
Accesing the api Endpoints with requests in Python.
Creating a simple flask interface for a time-entry system. This should allow the user to:
- Add a new time entry
- List all time entries This should be created using the tailwind css and flask.
Linking a database using sqlite3 to store our time entries.
Updating the flask interface to use the database to store the time entries.
- Delete a time entry
- Update a time entry Creating a sudoku game to include in the flask interface. solver using a backtracking algoprithm. Sudoku game will be generated using dokusan library.
Complete the flask interface time-entry management with the following fields:
- description
- start time
- end time
- duration
- project
- client
- tags