Portable CNC machine schematics, CAD plans and software. OZ CNC includes embedded vacuum motor, lights, realtime display and rigid case, capable of aluminium cutting.
Working area: 80x110 mm (parametric)
Z working area: 50mm
Spindle: 12000RPM
You can find PCBs in pcb folder (DipTrace). CAD files in Fusion 360 format are here.
OZ CNC includes multiple applications you'll have to build and install.
The main machine board works using CNC.js, you can find more details about it here.
Machine controller could be implemented using any compatible ESP32-GRBL board or similar.
Realtime position tracking done using pendant (plugin, for normal people) implemented on Golang.details
To build pedant:
$ cd software/pendant
$ go vendor tidy
$ go build cmd/display/main.go
To launch pendant:
$ ./main -h localhost:8000 -u username -p password
Display runs on Arduino.Pro, it's source code located in software/display
Where h, u, p are hostname, username and password for CNC.js.