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miltlima committed Oct 9, 2023
1 parent ba649fc commit 99e503d
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Showing 2 changed files with 76 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,7 +96,9 @@ make check-syntax
| 20| Create a deployment `yellow-deployment` with `bonovoo/node-app:1.0` image and `2` replicas in namespace `colors`|
| 21| Create a service `yellow-service` for the deployment `yellow-deployment` in namespace `colors` with port `80` and target port `3000`|
| 22| Create an ingress `ingress-colors` with host ``, path `/yellow` and service `yellow-service` in namespace `colors`|
| 23| Create a role `role-one` with verbs `get, list, watch` in namespace `default`|
| 23| Create a role `apple-one` with verbs `get, list, watch` in namespace `fruits`|
| 24| Create a job `job-gain` with parallelism `2`, completions `4`, backoffLimit `3` and deadlineSeconds `40`|
| 25| Create a cronjob `cronjob-gain` run a each `5` minutes with image `busybox:1.28`, command `'sleep 3600'` and restartPolicy `Never`|

## Running the following command

Expand Down
74 changes: 73 additions & 1 deletion main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ func main() {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -771,10 +773,80 @@ func createRoleOne(clientset *kubernetes.Clientset) Result {

func createJob(clientset *kubernetes.Clientset) Result {
const (
expectedNamespace = "default"
expectedJobName = "job-gain"
expectedImage = "busybox:1.28"
expectedParallelism = int32(2)
expectedCompletions = int32(4)
expectedBackoffLimit = int32(3)
expectedActiveDeadlineSeconds = int64(40)

job, err := clientset.BatchV1().Jobs(expectedNamespace).Get(context.TODO(), expectedJobName, metav1.GetOptions{})

if err != nil {
return Result{
TestName: "Question 24 - Create a job job-gain with parallelism 2, completions 4, backoffLimit 3 and deadlineSeconds 40",
Passed: false,
Difficulty: "Medium",

passed := err == nil &&
expectedParallelism == *job.Spec.Parallelism &&
expectedCompletions == *job.Spec.Completions &&
expectedBackoffLimit == *job.Spec.BackoffLimit &&
expectedActiveDeadlineSeconds == *job.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds

return Result{
TestName: "Question 24 - Create a job job-gain with parallelism 2, completions 4, backoffLimit 3 and deadlineSeconds 40",
Passed: passed,
Difficulty: "Medium",

func createCronjob(clientset *kubernetes.Clientset) Result {
const (
expectedScheduleTime = "*/5 * * * *"
expectedName = "cronjob-gain"
expectedJobName = "job-gain"
expectedNamespace = "default"
expectedImageName = "busybox:1.28"
expectedCommand = "sleep 3600"
expectedRestartPolicy = "Never"

cronjob, err := clientset.BatchV1().CronJobs(expectedNamespace).Get(context.TODO(), expectedName, metav1.GetOptions{})

if err != nil {
return Result{
TestName: "Question 25 - Create a cronjob echo run a each 5 minutes with image busybox:1.28, command 'sleep 3600' and restartPolicy Never",
Passed: false,
Difficulty: "Medium",

passed := err == nil &&
expectedScheduleTime == cronjob.Spec.Schedule &&
expectedName == cronjob.Name &&
expectedJobName == cronjob.Spec.JobTemplate.Name &&
expectedImageName == cronjob.Spec.JobTemplate.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Image &&
expectedCommand == cronjob.Spec.JobTemplate.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Command[0] &&
expectedRestartPolicy == cronjob.Spec.JobTemplate.Spec.Template.Spec.RestartPolicy

return Result{
TestName: "Question 25 - Create a cronjob echo run a each 5 minutes with image busybox:1.28, command 'sleep 3600' and restartPolicy Never",
Passed: passed,
Difficulty: "Medium",

// render table of results
func renderResultsTable(results []Result) {
table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
table.SetHeader([]string{"KubeLearn - Test your knowledge of Kubernetes v0.1.6", "Result", "Difficulty"})
table.SetHeader([]string{"KubeLearn - Test your knowledge of Kubernetes v0.1.7", "Result", "Difficulty"})

for _, result := range results {
Expand Down

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