Creation of Swarm Cluster
Spin of three Virtual Machines with Ubuntu 16.0 OS. (Can it be tested on CentOS as well)
Install docker and docker compose in all the virtual machines
Create a
apt-get update
apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D
apt-add-repository "deb ubuntu-xenial main"
apt-get update
apt-get -y install docker-engine
systemctl enable docker
apt-get -y install python-pip
pip install docker-compose
Make the script executable
$chmod u+x
Run the script
Clone the project
$git clone https://[email protected]/experiencedevops/swarm-monitoring-grafana.git
Create the directory for volume mapping
$mkdir /var/dockerdata/prometheus
$mkdir /var/dockerdata/prometheus/data
$mkdir /var/dockerdata/prometheus/rules
Copy the prometheus configuration files to /var/dockerdata/prometheus
$mv /swarm-monitoring-grafana/configs/prometheus.yml /var/dockerdata/prometheus/
Initiate Docker Swarm
$docker swarm init --advertise-addr MASTERNODE_PUBLIC_IP
The above command produces joining token to be used in worker nodes to join the swarm cluster.
Check the nodes in the swarm
$docker node ls
Create the networks
$ docker network create -d overlay monitoring
$ docker network create -d overlay logging
Deploy the application stack
$cd app_stack
$docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml appstack
Deploy the monitoring stack
$cd monitoring_stack
$docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml monitoring_stack
Check the stack
$docker stack ps appstack
$docker stack ps monitoring_stack
Grafana Configuration Access Grafana in the browser by hitting http://MASTERNODE_PUBLIC_IP:3000
Add Prometheus datasource DataSource Name : Prometheus Choose connection type : Prometheus URL : http://MASTERNODEIP:9090 Access : Direct Click Save & Test
Add New Dashboard Import the docker-swarm-container-overview_rev23.json Choose "Prometheus" as the datasource Click on Save