As a big fan of I've been frustrated with myself that I keep forgetting to start there when shopping online in order to earn donations for the charities I support. This extension is my first pass self-reminder system.
- Clone Repo
- Go to Tools -> Extensions in Chrome
- Choose the directory you cloned to
- Enjoy a purposefully in-your-face alert when you go to a website that has cash back available from
This extension does NOT send your browsing data to anyone or anywhere. On launch, it connects to to consume their site map which lists all of the stores they support. Then each time you go to a website within a tab, it checks the domain against the list of all stores. Since it already downloaded the list of all stores, this check happens without needing to expose browing data to anyone.
I'm not affiliated with, just a user, so feel free to file an issue or pull request here regarding ONLY this extension.