- Selection Sort --> O(n2)
- Insertion Sort --> O(n2)
- Binary Search (Iterative and Recursive) --> O(logn)
- Print Linked List --> O(n)
- Append Node --> O(n)
- Delete Node at end --> O(n)
- Prepend Node --> O(1)
- Delete Node at head --> O(1)
- Reverse Linked List --> O(n)
- Detect Cycle--> O(n)
- Check Same Tree --> O(n)
- Check Symmetry --> O(n)
- Maximum Depth of BST --> O(n)
- Recursive Traversal (inOrder, preOrder, postOrder) --> O(n)
- Validate BST --> O(n)
- Check Valid Paranthesis --> O(n)
- Remove Element --> O(n)
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array --> O(n)
- Two Sum --> O(n)
- Max Consecutive Ones --> O(n)
- Spiral Matrix --> O(n2)
- Search Insert Position --> O(logn)
- Rotate Image --> O(n2)
- Valid Palindrome --> O(n)
n=number of words, l=average length of each word
- Insert words --> O(l x n)
- Prefix Search --> O(l)
- Complete Word Search --> O(l)
- Delete Word --> O(l x n)
- Recursive Integer Multiplication --> O(n2)
- Karatsuba Multiplication --> O(n1.59)