Minor fixes after new algorithm
0.3.1 changes
fix issue with larger fft sizes (have to change in code, not exposed to a slider)
0.3.0 changes
algorithm rewrite:
- different phases get attenuated in center signal by a linear amount when strength is 0. When in phase, it will not be attenuated. When out of phase by phase width or more it will be attenuated to 0 (can set phase width linearly over spectrum).
- phase width control should be more consistent in cases where amplitude difference is great.
- new slider allows for controlling whether a difference in amplitude will cause attenuation. The value of this slider can interpolate between 0 and 1.
Allow outputting with initial phase adjustment undone, or left as is. See example usage in readme.md
- has no effect when "Phase (degrees)" is equal to 0.