Modules d'exemples d'ajouts de différentes fonctionnalités
- birthdate_widget: Creation of a widget to replace date of birth to display more than 10 years in the past. Scrolls 100 years instead.
- button_widget: Creation of a widget that is on top of a radio button to trigger the execution of javascript code.
- city_partner: Report in qWeb that shows how to create a minimal report that will display on 2 pages depending on data.
- partner_depends: Demonstrates how to use decorators to link fields that will be filled on_change of the master one.
- partner_track: Unhides the user_id in the partner form and adds an alternate_supervisor_id
- sales_field: addition of a simple field in sales
- security_demo: addition of security rules with data
- security_demo_no_data: addition of security rules without data.
- skid_label: Simple report to display a delivery address.
- test_demo: Example of an automated test