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Module 2 Challenge README with Deliverable 1: Refactor VBA Code and Measure Performance and Deliverable 2: Written Analysis of Results

Overview of Project


The purpose of Module 2 Challenge is to improve the stock analysis: a working VBA script (macro) that produces an analysis of all stock data in the workbook, computing the Total Daily Volume and Return over the course of the user selected year (2017 or 2018). The working VBA script needs to be modified to execute at a faster pace in order to accomodate for higher volumes of data. Execution of the script would be too long with thousands of stocks.


AllStocksAnalysis() macro was already created and functioning to analyze dozens of stocks. This code will be refactored into AllStocksAnalysisRefactored().



The stocks performed, overall, significantly better in 2017 than in 2018. In 2017, overall, stocks performed well. The only negative return was for stock TERP with a total daily volume of 139,402,800 and return of -7.2%. All other stocks performed well, with positive returns ranging from 5.5% to 199.4%.

In 2018, overall, stocks performed poorly. ENPH and RUN were the only stocks with a positive return, 81.9% and 84.0% respectively. They also have a similar total daily volume, with ENPH at 607,473,500 and RUN at 502,757,100. All other stocks performed poorly with negative returns ranging from -3.5% to -62.6%.

The original script executed for 2017: 0.5390625 seconds and for 2018: 0.51625 seconds The refactored script, as seen in the images below, executed for 2017: 0.1015625 seconds and for 2018: 0.1015625 seconds

In conclusion, the refactored analysis executes significantly faster than the original code, through looping all the data at once.


VBA_Challenge_2017 Image

VBA_Challenge_2018 Image


Original code

    Sub AllStocksAnalysis()
    Dim startTime As Single
    Dim endTime As Single
    yearValue = InputBox("What year would you like to run the analysis on?")
        startTime = Timer
    '1) Format the output sheet on the "All Stocks Analysis" worksheet.
    ' Activate the data worksheet.
    Worksheets("All Stocks Analysis").Activate
    'Make the title in cell A1 "All Stocks (2018)"
    Range("A1").Value = "All Stocks (" + yearValue + ")"
    'Create a header row
    Cells(3, 1).Value = "Ticker"
    'Total Daily Volume
    Cells(3, 2).Value = "Total Daily Volume"
    Cells(3, 3).Value = "Return"
    '2) Initialize an array of all tickers.
    Dim tickers(11) As String
    tickers(0) = "AY"
    tickers(1) = "CSIQ"
    tickers(2) = "DQ"
    tickers(3) = "ENPH"
    tickers(4) = "FSLR"
    tickers(5) = "HASI"
    tickers(6) = "JKS"
    tickers(7) = "RUN"
    tickers(8) = "SEDG"
    tickers(9) = "SPWR"
    tickers(10) = "TERP"
    tickers(11) = "VSLR"
   '3a) Initialize variables for the starting price and ending price
    Dim startingPrice As Double
    Dim endingPrice As Double
    '3b) Activate data worksheet
   '3c) Get the number of rows to loop over
    RowCount = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'rowEnd code taken from
    '4) Loop through the tickers.
    For i = 0 To 11
        ticker = tickers(i)
        totalVolume = 0
        '5) Loop through rows in the data.
        For j = 2 To RowCount 'j is the value iterating over the tickets
            '5a) Find the total volume for the current ticker.
            If Cells(j, 1).Value = ticker Then
                'increase totalVolume by the value in the current row
                totalVolume = totalVolume + Cells(j, 8).Value
            End If
            '5b) Find the starting price for the current ticker.
            If Cells(j - 1, 1).Value <> ticker And Cells(j, 1).Value = ticker Then
                startingPrice = Cells(j, 6).Value
            End If
            '5c) Find the ending price for the current ticker.
            If Cells(j + 1, 1).Value <> ticker And Cells(j, 1).Value = ticker Then
                endingPrice = Cells(j, 6).Value
            End If
        Next j
        '6) Output the data for the current ticker.
        Worksheets("All Stocks Analysis").Activate
        Cells(4 + i, 1).Value = ticker
        Cells(4 + i, 2).Value = totalVolume
        Cells(4 + i, 3).Value = endingPrice / startingPrice - 1
    Next i
    Worksheets("All Stocks Analysis").Activate
    Range("A3:C3").Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
    Range("A3:C3").Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
    Range("B4:B15").NumberFormat = "#,##0"
    Range("C4:C15").NumberFormat = "0.0%"

    dataRowStart = 4
    dataRowEnd = 15

    For i = dataRowStart To dataRowEnd
        If Cells(i, 3) > 0 Then
            Cells(i, 3).Interior.Color = vbGreen
            Cells(i, 3).Interior.Color = vbRed
        End If
    Next i
    endTime = Timer
    MsgBox "This code ran in " & (endTime - startTime) & " seconds for the year " & (yearValue)

End Sub 

Refactored code

    Sub AllStocksAnalysisRefactored()
    Dim startTime As Single
    Dim endTime  As Single

    yearValue = InputBox("What year would you like to run the analysis on?")

    startTime = Timer
    'Format the output sheet on All Stocks Analysis worksheet
    Worksheets("All Stocks Analysis").Activate
    Range("A1").Value = "All Stocks (" + yearValue + ")"
    'Create a header row
    Cells(3, 1).Value = "Ticker"
    Cells(3, 2).Value = "Total Daily Volume"
    Cells(3, 3).Value = "Return"

    'Initialize array of all tickers
    Dim tickers(12) As String
    tickers(0) = "AY"
    tickers(1) = "CSIQ"
    tickers(2) = "DQ"
    tickers(3) = "ENPH"
    tickers(4) = "FSLR"
    tickers(5) = "HASI"
    tickers(6) = "JKS"
    tickers(7) = "RUN"
    tickers(8) = "SEDG"
    tickers(9) = "SPWR"
    tickers(10) = "TERP"
    tickers(11) = "VSLR"
    'Activate data worksheet
    'Get the number of rows to loop over
    RowCount = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    '1a) Create a ticker Index
    Dim tickerIndex As Integer
    tickerIndex = 0

    '1b) Create three output arrays
    Dim tickerVolumes(0 To 11) As Long
    Dim tickerStartingPrices(0 To 11) As Single
    Dim tickerEndingPrices(0 To 11) As Single
    ''2a) Create a for loop to initialize the tickerVolumes to zero.
    Dim msg As String
    For i = 0 To 11
        tickerVolumes(i) = 0
    Next i

    ''2b) Loop over all the rows in the spreadsheet.
    For i = 2 To RowCount
        ticker = tickers(tickerIndex)
        '3a) Increase volume for current ticker
        tickerVolumes(tickerIndex) = tickerVolumes(tickerIndex) + Cells(i, 8).Value
        '3b) Check if the current row is the first row with the selected tickerIndex.
        If Cells(i - 1, 1).Value <> ticker And Cells(i, 1).Value = ticker Then
            tickerStartingPrices(tickerIndex) = Cells(i, 6).Value
        End If
        '3c) check if the current row is the last row with the selected ticker
         'If the next row’s ticker doesn’t match, increase the tickerIndex.
        If Cells(i + 1, 1).Value <> ticker And Cells(i, 1).Value = ticker Then
            tickerEndingPrices(tickerIndex) = Cells(i, 6).Value

            '3d Increase the tickerIndex.
            tickerIndex = tickerIndex + 1
        End If
    Next i
    '4) Loop through your arrays to output the Ticker, Total Daily Volume, and Return.
    For i = 0 To 11
        Worksheets("All Stocks Analysis").Activate
        Cells(4 + i, 1).Value = tickers(i)
        Cells(4 + i, 2).Value = tickerVolumes(i)
        Cells(4 + i, 3).Value = tickerEndingPrices(i) / tickerStartingPrices(i) - 1
    Next i
    Worksheets("All Stocks Analysis").Activate
    Range("A3:C3").Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
    Range("A3:C3").Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
    Range("B4:B15").NumberFormat = "#,##0"
    Range("C4:C15").NumberFormat = "0.0%"

    dataRowStart = 4
    dataRowEnd = 15

    For i = dataRowStart To dataRowEnd
        If Cells(i, 3) > 0 Then
            Cells(i, 3).Interior.Color = vbGreen
            Cells(i, 3).Interior.Color = vbRed
        End If
    Next i
    endTime = Timer
    MsgBox "This code ran in " & (endTime - startTime) & " seconds for the year " & (yearValue)
    End Sub


Advantages and disadvantages of refactoring code in general.

Advantages of refactoring code:

  • Executes faster for large data sets (more useful)
  • Neater / easier visually
  • Higher quality code

Disadvantages of refactoring code:

  • Can be a difficult or long process.
  • Potential for errors causing code to no longer work.

Advantages and disadvantages of the original and refactored VBA script.

Advantages of original:

  • More intuitive, elementary style coding.
  • Familiar

Disadvantages of original:

  • Only handles dozens of stocks, need thousands to execute quickly, potential time issue / making code not so useful

Advantages of refactored VBA:

  • Executes much faster, more useful for realistic data application (thousands of stocks)
  • Cleaner more professional code

Disadvantages of refactored VBA:

  • Possibly could be further optimized to be faster.


Analyze stock data for Module 2 practice lesson






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