Releases: michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio
Added CBA Settings implementation to replace userconfig. (#1099)
Added Teamspeak 3.1 support (#1100)
Teamspeak Plugins are now packed in a ts3_plugin installer.
Fixed dead people could hear Zeus (#1048)
Fixed Bug where Teamspeak plugin wouldn't load. Big thanks to Dr_Eyeball!
Update 17.06.2019 this includes new Teamspeak plugins for Teamspeak 3.3.0!!
This is a developement release its not intended for production use.
Scroll down for the 0.9.12 release
Updated Polish translations (#1141)
Added backend code to allow Radios to be switched off (#1132)
Improved use new param command for function parameters (#990)
Added keybinds to enable/disable whisper/shouting (#887/#992) (Config option available to also trigger PTT when pressing modifier key. Default needs modifier+PTT pressed)
Improved detection of co-pilot seat for helicopters (#903)
Changed addon structure to CBA style
Improved use new isEqualType function instead of comparing typenames (#1086)
Fixed Curator using Remote Control won't update units position correctly
Fixed LR-Radio settings would reset when entering Virtual Arsenal (#1150)
Standardized Classnames (Old tf_* classnames are DEPRECATED)
Added asynchronous commands which will reduce game lag when transmitting data to plugin
Added Semi-Duplex support (#1148)
Added Object Interception (#1154)
Standardized Variable names (Old tf_* variables are DEPRECATED but still working till 1.1 or later)
Added Vehicle Intercom (#974)
Added Static Radios (Tutorial Video in progress) (#1158)
Fixed Frequency variables not applied to Curators (#982)
Moved SR Radio settings to a CBA_Namespace
Fixed Font scaling (#1164)
Moved all scripts from scheduled to unscheduled
Removed Diver Radios (#1127)
Added new Airborne Radio effect(#959)
Added lower/raise Headset hotkeys(#880)
Rewrote Spectator system (#1151)
Arma 64Bit support
Antenna system (#TODO add PR)
Teamspeak specific:
Changed TFAR now only unmutes players that were muted before.
Teamspeak 3.1 Support (#1100)
Fixed Arma freezing when Teamspeak crashes or freezes (#1109/#1112)
Improved radio sounds now only play on the speaker the radio is set to (#821)
Performance improvements in the Teamspeak Plugin
Fixed Teamspeak error if Arma profileName had trailing spaces (#1003)
Using SharedMemory instead of NamedPipe to communicate with Teamspeak
Fixed Teamspeak logspam of 'can't center client'
Fixed 1 second freeze when unloading the Plugin
This changelog contains all major changes till 22.11.2016
- APEX compatibility issues.
- tf_bussole radio.
- Radio background fixes.
- Updates for spatial audio (thanks to @BaerMitUmlaut)
- Updated CBA
- Updated CBA keybinding support
- tf_mr3000_bwmod_tropen and _tf_rt1523g_big_bwmod_tropen_radios cammo (thanks to @MarcBook)
- Added OnRadioOpen events to all radios.
- Docs updates (thanks to @Tourorist)
- Fixed memory leak in plugin which may cause FPS drop
- Updated radio sounds
- Default key for LR additional is Y (but for current user need to be rebinded by hands)
- Updated mass of backpacks
- Chezh translation (thanks to EvroMalarkey)
- Fixed issue with BWMOD encryption codes
- New models for radio items
- New sound for radio quarks
- Give personal radios to SERGEANT and higher
- Old TS support
- BWMOD camo for backpacks
- Integration with upcoming RHS
- Ability to program rifleman radios via new device MicroDARG (given to everyone by default)
- Ability to hear speaker on radio on dead body
- Fixed: speakers volume
- Fixed: long range tangent stuck sometimes
- Fixed: Vehicles sound popping
- Fixed: Speakers now not works underwater
- Fixed: Now it is not possible to talk from UAV
- Fixed: More light audio filters for speakers
- Fixed: freezes on sound loading
- Fixed: Issue on JIP
- Fixed: crash if radio sound file not found
- Fixed: Security issue in userconfig (userconfig file also renamed)
- Fixed: Issue with fast capslock and voice activation
- Fixed: Plugin not moves player back to channel after game
- Fixed: Incorrect quarks volume in vehicles
- Fixed: getting radios after respawn
- Fixed: incorrect quark sometimes played
- Fixed: API function about TS state
- Fixed: No Zeus freqs while controlling unit
- Fixed: AN/PRC 152 Display too small
- Fixed: IS_SPEAKING can cause crash (was causing crash with CSE 0.8.0)
- Positional audio fixed
- Fixed robotic sound
- Fixed sound distance model
- Fixed game freeze on tangent release
- Adjusted radio quarks voume
- Fixed crash on incorrect format of custom sound (need to be 2/48000)
- Fixed backpacks shadows
- New audio engine with better spatial audio and new distance model
- Ability to enable speakers on radios (possible to hear radio on the ground, on unit, in vehicle, etc)
- Full support for Zeus (can use radios, can hear, can talk even though controlled unit)
- Fixed tangent stuck
- Plugin CPU usage optimisation
- Network usage optimisation
- Solved "duplicate radio ID problem"
- Sound isolation for vehicles
- Fixed issue with mic sound for some players
- New dialogs for radios including night version (a lot of them, almost all radios updated except airborne)
- New backpacks models: NATO 1, NATO 2, AFF, OPFOR
- Old backpack models used by FIA
- New fancy backpack texture
- In-game key binding via CBA
- Now possible to look around (ALT) and use radio
- Dialogs buttons positions updated
- Dialogs buttons sound updated
- More fast spatial position updates
- Same frequency in team for diver radio
- CTRL + ~ to talk on diver radio
- Small radios available in editor
- Phone sound effect for addonmakers and scripters
- Diver radio volume increased
- Fixed getting radio in case of full inventory
- Fixed issues with civilians players
- i18n updates
- Radios now correctly handles TeamSpeak PTT delay
- Fix turn out issues with few vehicles
- Default radio volume in userconfig
- API to get if user uses radio\speaking
- MR3003 in BWMOD vehicles and infantry
- Event handlers API
- Statistic tracker will help me to make mod better
- A lot of other fixes
Fixed compatibility with new version of Arma 3 (thanks to thhamm)
Fixed few issues in plugin (thanks to LH)
- Support for TS 19 API (older version)
- 0.8.3 clients no longer breaks server
- Fixed server script failure after respawn
- T and Y keys perform default actions too (lock on TITAN, Zeus)
- AMV-7 radio and isolation fixed
- Fixed plugin crash on x64 on some CPUs
- Support for rifleman radios property in userconfig
- Few other warnings and error fixed
- Fixed: Sometimes possible to hear live peoples in spectator (I hope)
- Fixed: frequency module not works for JIP (I hope)
- Terrain interference of radio
- New type of radio - rifleman radio (by default given to everyone except teamleaders)
- AN/PRC-154 rifleman radio (2km) (classname: tf_anprc154, default for independent side)
- RF-7800S-TR rifleman radio (2km) (classname: tf_rf7800str, default for west side)
- PNR-1000A rifleman radio (2km) (classname: tf_rf7800str, default for opfor side)
- New type of radio - airborne radio (40km): 1, 2, 3
- Backpack model
- Multiband support (receive/send on 2 channels per radio)
- Inventory access animation when adjust radio dialog
- No longer uses hint but a custom HUD (tfar_fnc_showHint)
- Key to fast switch radios (default: Ctrl + [/] cycle SW, Ctrl + Alt+ [/] cycle LR)
- Key to fast switch stereo mode (default: ctrl + up/left/right for SW, alt + up/left/right for LR)
- Capacity of backpack radios increased
- Items from original backpack are moved to new radio backpack if they can fit (on respawn)
- Personal radios have a range of 5km (AN/PRC 152, Fadak, AN/PRC 148 Jem)
- LR radios distance is 20km
- Vehicle bound LR radios distance is 30km
- Airborne bound LR radios distance is 40km
- Menu to copy settings to another radio
- Module to enforce TFAR usage, give teamleader's LR radios, give rifleman radios to team members, terrain interception coefficient, channel name (serious mode), channel password (serious mode), same SW frequencies for side, same LR frequencies for side
- Module to set settings for sync'ed units' side; encryption Code, LR radio type (classname), SW radio type (classname), rifleman radio type (classname), SW Frequency (SQF array of strings), LR Frequency (SQF array of strings)
- Module to set settings for sync'ed units; SW frequencies (SQF array of strings), LR frequencies (SQF array of strings)
- All radios now have classes
- Added default support for the following mods (HAFM ArmA 2 HMMWVs Import, HAFM ArmA 2 US Helicopter * Import, HAFM ArmA 2 UK Wheeled, HAFM UAZ Cars, C-130J Port Release)
- New font for radios
- Interference affects updated
- Near players are muted in TS too
- Changed plugin commands to use \t (tab) instead of @, allowing @ to be used in nicknames with no issues
- Prefixed all functions with TFAR_
- Prefixed all variables with TF_
- No longer uses CBA's extended handlers for init, CBA is still required for key handling and some other stuff
- Added new keys to in game briefing
- Using BIS_fnc_areFriendly for encryption code checks
- Support for version 20 of TS API
- Increased player position update frequency
- Voice volume is transferred to plugin as a number instead of string
- Group settings are only used if radio is default side/faction radio
- Send radio settings to plugin more frequently
- Ability to create new radio types via 3dparty addons (documentation in progress)
- Support for setting of default radio per faction in CfgFactionClasses
- Ability to specify type of radio in vehicle's config
- Ability to set isolatedAmount (and other LR settings) moved to config entries instead of in script
- Function header for most functions (for use in function viewer, should help mission makers/mod developers)
- Ability to set global hearing volume (player setVariable ["tf_globalVolume", 0.4]) (already supported by XMedSys)
- Ability to set voice volume of player (player setVariable ["tf_voiceVolume", 0.6]) (already supported by XMedSys)
- Ability to set radio usage of player (player setVariable ["tf_unable_to_use_radio", true]) (already supported by XMedSys)
- Manual spectator mode (TFAR_fnc_forceSpectator)
- Transmitting distance multiplier (player setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 1.0]) (to simulate additional interference )
- Receiving distance multiplier (player setVariable ["tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator",1.0]) (to simulate additional interference )
- API to copy radio settings to another radio (TFAR_fnc_copySettings)
- Moved server loop to separate function (TFAR_fnc_processGroupFrequencySettings) to allow call from user mode (to force frequency set)
- Way to specify radio per side: tf_defaultSIDEPersonalRadio,tf_defaultSIDEBackpack ,tf_defaultSIDERiflemanRadio (where side is = west,east,guer)
- Ability to specify subtype for radios: is used plugin side to allow varying effects (digital, digital_lr, airborne)
- Ability to set custom formatting for Channel Edit control (TFAR_fnc_updateSWDialogToChannel)
- API to set/get specific frequency on a channel for a radio (TFAR_fnc_setChannelFrequency/TFAR_fnc_getChannelFrequency)
- Per radio encryption code (allows setting of encryption code on each instance of a radio, only available via API)
- Other API + fixes
- Check for inheritence of V_RebreatherIA (to support diver device in other rebreathers)
- Big HUD size support
- Removed overriding of default dot marker
- Size of anprc148jem's image adjusted down to same as other radio interfaces
- Plugin no longer moves you back in cases of changing channel in TS (lightweight mode)
- Clipping on mixing
- TS plugin no longer overrides CLIENT_META_DATA, which causes issues with other plugins
- Various optimisations of the mod, improving performance where possible
- Volume in TS is 20% lower (I hope)
- Updated links in English version of help