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This package connects your deno programs to the wallstreetbets subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/ resp. https://t.me/WallStreetBetsReddit).
Some of the features of https://www.npmjs.com/package/decentralized-finance-defi could be copied to this Deno module as soon as the corresponding libraries ... are ready for Deno.
This package shall increase freedom for those who increase freedom. As such it supports wallstreetbets and the klopapier.exchange.
import { WallStreetBetsService } from 'https://deno.land/x/wallstreetbets/src/wallstreetbets.service.ts'
const wallstreetBetsService = new WallStreetBetsService()
const currentRecommendation = wallstreetBetsService.getCurrentInvestmentRecommendation()
console.log(`This module is under construction: Example ISIN recommendation: ${currentRecommendation.ISIN}`)
deno run 'https://deno.land/x/wallstreetbets/test-it.ts'
This module will be enhanced by deep learning capabilities as soon as https://deno.land/x/neural_nets is ready for it.
This package shall increase freedom for those who increase freedom. Actions of the weak shall be private. Actions of the powerful shall be transparent.