This is my personal project that allows me to access sensors on a Orange Pi Zero and a Raspberry Pi Zero using a REST api.
I use the following sensors.
- Adafruit MCP9808 (temperature)
- Adafruit TSL2591 (light level)
- Sparkfun SI7021 (temperature and humidity)
- CPU temp (temperature)
Firstly, clone my project.
git clone
Then make sure you have pip3 and smbus installed.
sudo apt install python3-pip, python3-smbus -y
Open my project
cd python-rest-sensor-server
Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Then start the server.
Your REST-server is running and you can get information by using:
curl http://localhost:5000/cpu
curl http://localhost:5000/temp
curl http://localhost:5000/lux
curl http://localhost:5000/humidity