Author: Yanwu Liu
Student ID: 15105271
Module code: Mres 2nd mini project - UCL-ZER-36 Optical Wireless Data Centre Networks for Machine Learning
email address: [email protected]
This is the GitHub repository for Mres 2nd mini project. A reconfigurable intra-DCN structure has been proposed based on realistic device parameters. This repository provides the source code to generate each plot in the report.
This repository contains the following files:
- The function file of ray tracing model built on an existing reference [1]
MFD: MFD approximation and comparison between 3 empirical formulae and 1 mode solver. All following analysis will use mode solver approximation.
P2P: An ideal point-to-point 2 lens ray tracing simulation model based on TC18APC-1550 collimators
angular_loss_and_resolution: contains 2 files
- angular_loss.ipynb: calculate coupling loss (lateral deviation, mode size mismatch, clipping) due to a small angular mislignment at 1 lens.
- actuator_resolution.ipynb: The angular error to generate 0,1dB loss is transformed into lateral/voltage/bit resolution based on Piezoelectric Tube actuators
DCN_dimension: A design prototype of how to calculate the maximum horiozntal number of transceivers (X) and max vertical number of nodes (N) for an interleaving structure tower panel.
scan_range: The required horizontal and vertical scan range for an actuator consider the extreme scenarios in DCN dimension design.
Each file under each folder can be run independently.
- MATLAB_R2020b
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python 3.6.7 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Oct 23 2018, 14:01:38)
- [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)]
- numpy 1.18.5
- matplotlib 3.3.2
- cycler 0.10.0
- json 2.0.9
- PIL 8.0.1
[1] C. Deakin, M. Enrico, N. Parsons, and G. Zervas, “Design and analysis of beam steering multicore fiber optical switches,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1954– 1963, 2019.