The cluster setup is performed using the BiBiGrid tool, when the application is deployed on an OpenStack cluster.
For installing BiBiGrid, the instruction in the documentation need to be followed ( The steps of the cluster setup are also described there ( When using BiBiGrid, it is important to include the here provided ansible roles 'general', 'mainnode' and 'othernodes' as tar.gz. The path to the archives must be specified in the BiBiGrid Configuration file.
First, the instance must be initialized. After initiolization, the in this repository provided 'singlecomputersetup.tar.gz' must be downloaded and the archive extracted. The archive contains the ansible playbook with all necessary dependencies for the streaming application. For execution of the playbook, ansible must be installed. It is executed with:
ansible-playbook -h playbook/hosts playbook/site.yml
The Elasticsearch databse can be set up by following the steps in the documentation ( Furthermore, Kibana must be initiated after the database setup is finished. The steps can also be found in the documentation (
To use the Elasticsearch databse with the application, the instance must be in the same security group as the cluster or single machine. When enough resources are avaiable, it is possible to start the database on the same instance as the streaming application.
When configuring the Elasticsearch instance, the following lines must be added in the 'elasticsearch.yml': /path/to/data/folder
path.logs: /path/to/log/folder IP Adress of instance
http.port: 9200 (Elasticsearch default port)
discovery.seed_hosts: ["(IP adress of instance)"]
discovery.type: single-node (When only one instance is used for Elasticsearch)
When configuring the Kibana instance, the following lines must be added in the 'kibana.yml':
server.port: 5601 (Kibana default port) "localhost" (Default IP adress)
elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://(IP adress of Elasticsearch Instance):9200"]
Kibana can be accessed on a local computer by forwarding the port of to the Kibana interface:
ssh -i .ssh/cloudkey -L (port on local computer):localhost:5601 ubuntu@(Floating IP of OpenStack instance with Elasticsearch and Kibana)
Pre-defined dashboards are avaiable in this repository, and can be importet with Kibana. In the Kibana Interface go to Management -> Saved Objects and chose Import. Then select the .ndjson of choice.
Metagenomic_and_antibiotic_resistance_analysis.ndjson contains visualization for all three avaiable antibiotic resistance databses.
Metagenomic_and_antibiotic_resistance_analysis_small.ndjson contains only a visualization for the AMRFinder database.
After the setup with the provided ansible roles or playbook, the streaming application can be directly executed. Depending on the cluster setup, the spark-submit call must contain specific options.
Cluster Setup:
--class "Streaming" (main class of the streaming application)
--master spark://MasterIP:PortOfSparkApplication (standard port is 7077)
--conf spark.executor.memory=availableRAM (e.g. 32g)
--conf spark.driver.memory=availableRAM (e.g. 32g)
--executor-cores numberOfAvailableCores (e.g. 14)
--conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=2g
--conf spark.streaming.concurrentJobs=2
--conf spark.default.parallelism= (at least one time the number of avaiable cores, e.g. 14 for 14 cores)
--conf spark.scheduler.allocation.file=fair_pools.xml (xml with defined schedular pools, default the in this repository provided schedular file with one FIFO schedular)
-ip ElasticsearchIP
-port ElasticsearchPort
-prefix ElasticsearchIndexPrefix
-f PathToMonitoredFolder (when using the provided ansible roles, a folder is created with the path /vol/spool/sequences)
-ldb AntibtioticResistanceDatabase
-lp numberOfThreadsForLAST
-cp numberOfThreadsForCentrifuge
Single Instance Setup
--class "Streaming" (main class of the streaming application)
--master local[numberOfAvailableCores]
--conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=2g
--conf spark.scheduler.allocation.file=fair_pools.xml (xml with defined schedular pools, default the in this repository provided schedular file with one FIFO schedular)
-ip ElasticsearchIP
-port ElasticsearchPort
-prefix ElasticsearchIndexPrefix
-f PathToMonitoredFolder (when using the provided ansible roles, a folder is created with the path /vol/spool/sequences)
-ldb AntibtioticResistanceDatabase
-lp numberOfThreadsForLAST
-cp numberOfThreadsForCentrifuge
After starting the application, sequence files can be copied (e.g. by the in this repository) into the monitored folder to be analyzed. The application was not yet testet with monitoring directly the folder where the fastq files are saved by the MinKNOW software after basecalling.
Important notes:
- When choosing a different folder for monitoring, it is important, that all nodes can access this folder with the FASTQ files, because of the fault tolerance mechanisms in Spark. When using Spark on a single machine, the folder is normally always accessible, depending on the permission settings of the folder.