Gene-centric Metabolomics Information Retrieval Tool
Given one or more genes, the MetGENE tool identifies associations between the gene(s) and the metabolites that are biosynthesized, metabolized, or transported by proteins coded by the genes. The gene(s) link to metabolites, the chemical transformations involving the metabolites through gene-specified proteins/enzymes, the functional association of these gene-associated metabolites and the pathways involving these metabolites.
The user can specify the gene using a multiplicity of IDs and gene ID conversion tool translates these into harmonized IDs that are basis at the computational end for metabolite associations. Further, all studies involving the metabolites associated with the gene-coded proteins, as present in the Metabolomics Workbench (MW), the portal for the NIH Common Fund National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR), will be accessible to the user through the portal interface. The user can begin her/his journey from the NIH Common Fund Data Ecosystem (CFDE) portal.
The data from MW studies are presented as table(s), with the metabolite names hyperlinked to MW RefMet page (or to the corresponding KEGG entry in the absence of a RefMet name) for the metabolite, the reactions hyperlinked to their KEGG entries and the MW studies hyperlinked to their respective pages. The user also has access to the metabolite statistics via MetStat. Further, the user has the option to select more than one metabolite to list only those studies in which all the selected metabolites appear and can download the table as a text, HTML or JSON file.
The MetGENE tool is available through the web at MetGENE and also as a REST API (SmartAPI for MetGENE). The SmartAPI page provides an explanation of the various parameters.
The MetGENE tool has been also registered at SciCrunch RRID Portal: RRID:SCR_023402.
Please cite as:
Srinivasan S, Maurya MR, Ramachandran S, Fahy E, Subramaniam S. MetGENE: gene-centric metabolomics information retrieval tool. GigaScience. 2023;12. PMCID: 10659118. Available from: [DOI:].
We also provide the source code so that one can clone this tool and run it locally as a web application for their personal use.
The cache folder should have rwx permission for apache:apache, assuming that the web server runs as the user 'apache'. This can be achieved by the linux command:
sudo chown -R apache:apache cache
KEGG APIs are used in this tool. Please see their license terms at (see also for restrictions before using it in a particular manner.
The following scripts use KEGG APIs:extractFilteredStudiesInfo.R
The code we provide is free for non-commercial use (see LICENSE). While it is our understanding that no KEGG license is required to run the web app on user's local computer for personal use (e.g., access as localhost:install_location_withrespectto_DocumentRoot/MetGENE, or, restrict its access to the IP addresses belonging to their own research group), the users must understand the KEGG license terms (, see also and decide for themselves. For example, if the user wishes to provide this tool (or their own tool based on a subset of MetGENE scripts with KEGG APIs) as a service (see LICENSE), they must obtain their own KEGG license with suitable rights.
If and only if the user has purchased license for KEGG FTP Data, they can activate a 'preCompute' mode to run faster version of MetGENE. To achieve this, please set preCompute = 1 in the file setPrecompute.R. Otherwise, please ensure that preCompute is set to 0 in the file setPrecompute.R. Further, to use the faster version, the user needs to run the R scripts in the 'data' folder first. Please run them in the following order:
Please see the respective R files in the 'data' folder for instructions to run them using Rscript command.
URLs to use for json output with CLI (e.g., using [curl -L 'URL']; use /viewType/txt for text output):
Summary view:
Please note that for the summary view, the filters anatomy, disease and phenotype are required as a placeholder (to maintain the order of the parameter names), but are not used in the actual computation. An important reason for this is that summary results are precomputed for faster processing and the actual use of these filters would have resulted in too many combinations to precompute.
Please use __ (double underscore) or comma (,) to specify more than one gene, as in the string HK1__PNPLA3 or HK1,RPE. For SYMBOL like IDs, the user may specify SYMBOL_OR_ALIAS for GeneIDType, so that, for gene ID conversion, the term will be first searched in SYMBOL and if not found then it will be searched in ALIAS.
- Single gene case (Default tab view): Either specify both Gene Symbol and Gene ID (ENTREZ), or specify ENSEMBL ID.
- Multiple genes case:
Assuming git command is installed, on linux or windows command prompt, type:
git clone MetGENE
The repo will be cloned into the MetGENE folder. Do:
cd MetGENE
Some features of MetGENE can be used from the command prompt via Rscript. These work for only one gene at a time. To use the command line, please make sure you have installed R along with the necessary packages listed below (some may be part of base installation):
tictoc, curl, data.table, dplyr, ggplot2, ggrepel, httr, jsonlite, KEGGREST, plyr, reshape2, rlang, rvest, stringi, stringr, textutils, tidyr, tidyverse, tuple, utils, xtable
Then, use the following commands and the output of the script can be used elsewhere. More information about the call syntax is provided in the respective R script files. For example, below, 3098 and 6120 are Entrez IDs for the genes HK1 and RPE, respectively.
Rscript extractPathwayInfo.R hsa 3098 HK1 HomoSapiens > pathwayInfo.html
Rscript extractReactionInfo.R hsa 3098 json > reactionInfo.json
Rscript extractMetaboliteInfo.R hsa 3098 Blood Diabetes json > metabInfo.json
Rscript extractFilteredStudiesInfo.R hsa 3098 Diabetes Blood json > studyInfo.json
Rscript extractMWGeneSummary.R hsa 6120 RPE foo.png json > summaryInfo.json
The json file can be used for downstream analysis. For example, in R, the file reactionInfo.json can read as a data.frame using the following code after starting R (> denotes R prompt):
>x=fromJSON("reactionInfo.json", simplifyVector = TRUE)