Spinning up EC2 instances utilizing Terraform with ejabberd 17.01 installed and running along with a cluster if the setup was made with multiple instances. Basically, automating the setup process for a faster maintenance.
Packer creates an initial ami base to install ejabberd servers. Sample packer run:
packer validate create_image.json
packer build create_image.json
Terraform installs and forms a cluster of ejabberd servers. Needed parameters and a sample run:
-var admin_ejabberd : Your ejabberd server's admin username of your choice.
-var pass_ejabberd : Your ejabberd server's admin password of your choice.
-var instance_count : The number of nodes you'll have in your cluster.
-var erlang_cookie : Erlang cookie functioning as a password between nodes. Preferably long and random.
-var access_key : Your AWS access key.
-var secret_key : Your AWS secret key.
-var region : AWS region.
-var ami : The ami of your instances can be set via this variable. Default value: ami-8c3beef6. The image is created by a packer/create_image.json run and is sufficient for ejabberd clustering.
-var ejabberddomain : The domain of the node. Default value: localhost.
terraform apply \
-var 'admin_ejabberd=YOUR_ADMIN_USERNAME' \
-var 'pass_ejabberd=YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD' \
-var 'instance_count=1' \
-var 'erlang_cookie=ERLANG_COOKIE_FOR_CLUSTERING' \
-var 'access_key=YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY' \
-var 'secret_key=YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY' \
-var 'region=us-east-1' \
-var 'ami=YOUR_AMI' \
-var 'ejabberddomain=CUSTOM_DOMAIN_NAME'
After Terraform has finished, you can access your ejabberd's admin panel from your server's public ip's 5280 port: SERVER_PUBLIC_IP:5280/admin with your ejabberd credentials: admin_ejabberd@ejabberddomain
By setting your 'instance_count' parameter to any number bigger than 1! Terraform will handle the rest by provisioning. When you increase the instance count in the cluster, new_terra_setup.sh runs to download ejabbberd 17.01. It is installed by the parameters you've given.
After you have a node that is started by new_terra_setup.sh, cluster_setup.sh script runs to add the particular node to the running cluster. In cluster_setup.sh, the variables that keep the IPs of the nodes are formatted in the form that can be joined to a cluster directly.
Code below is run in cluster_setup.sh and does the following so that it's in the proper form for a join operation:
ip-xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -> ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
export temp_ip=`echo ip-$temp_ip | tr '.' '-'`
export ejabberd_cluster_ip=`echo ejabberd@$cluster_ip | tr '.' '-'`
By simply decreasing the 'instance_count' parameter to a value that is smaller than its previous value. Or if you want to destroy the whole cluster, you can use the destroy option of Terraform.
- AWS credentials in packer/create_image.json -> "AWS_ACCESS_KEY HERE" and "AWS_SECRET_KEY HERE"
- Key name that should be provided from AWS (for resource "aws_instance" "ejabberdnode" in terraform/main.tf) -> "YOUR_AWS_KEYNAME"
- Path to private key files (.pem) for the connections of the null_resources in terraform/main.tf. -> "YOUR.PEM"