JARVIS PLUGIN that connects Jarvis with MagicMirror from http://magicmirror.builders.
- Install this plugin on Jarvis running the following command:
./jarvis.sh -p https://github.com/merceaemil/jarvis-magicmirror
- When asked to configure MagicMirror url fill in the entire url.
Magic mirror default url is http://localhost:8080/
!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!! Last slash is important
Install MMM-Jarvis-Voice-Control on MagicMirror.
Have fun
Keyword to send command to MagicMirror is "PLEASE"
You: please start music
Jarvis: Ok
What happens: Jarvis will send a url request to MagicMirror with command "start music"
You: please show camera
Jarvis: Ok
What happens: Jarvis will send a url request to MagicMirror with command "show camera"
Mercea Emil(http://insightfeatures.ro)