Melody is a feature-rich music bot that comes with 24/7 and other premium features for free, invite Melody now!
✔️ Personal music history
✔️ Guild music history
✔️ Supports multiple commands at once!
✔️ Open source project!
✔️ 99.9% uptime
✔️ User friendly
✔️ Slash commands
✔️ Lots of features and controls (29 commands as of now)
✔️ Fun commands for when you feel bored ;-;
✔️ Unlike most bots, Melody doesn't require a premium subscription to stay in voice for 24/7, it's free!
✔️ Support Server! (of course)
You can support us to help us keep working on Melody, click here to become a patron. It helps us continue developing and working on the bot!
Check our wiki for usage instructions.
In no way Melody bot should be used to do anything against discord's community guidelines.