This is a simple Perl interface to the Amazon Direct Connect API.
use Net::Amazon::DirectConnect;
my $dc = Net::Amazon::DirectConnect->new;
# List connections
my $connections = $dc->action('DescribeConnections');
foreach my $dxcon (@{$connections->{connections}}) {
say "$dxcon->{connectionId} -> $dxcon->{connectionName}";
# List Virtual Interfaces
my $virtual_interfaces = $dc->action('DescribeVirtualInterfaces', connectionId => $dxcon->{connectionId});
foreach my $vif (@{$virtual_interfaces->{virtualInterfaces}}) {
say " $vif->{connectionId}";
- Better documentation
- More tests
- Package for CPAN
To install this module, run the following commands:
perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install
After installing, you might be able to find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Net::Amazon::DirectConnect