Added reshade compat iframe mod
-This is WIP feature in general, better to wait for ready to use setups
-allows feed reshade with a additional data for various purposes (like UI skip)
-for it to work you need a special/latest reshade + reshade_compat as primary iframe mod source
(special reshade currently available here )
-all ingame postfx should be disabled for proper work (no AA, no postprocessing, no AO, no depth blur)
Fixed depth read/write barriers: fixes some crashes with 3-rd party overlays, drivers
Use win API instead of shell commands in installer: this should make various antivirus softwares happy
Removed AVX & AVX2 builds from release package: they are proven useless or even reducing performance
(can be builded by hand anyway)
Removed different debug binaries from release package: reduce download size
Enable cache save & load by default, but limit precompile size by 10k items: fixes character portraits & some pop-ins
Utilize hw based PSO cache: reduces precompile & compile times
Fixed GPU being not fully utilized in GPU bound scenarios (maybe fixed GPU being underclocked due to that)
Reduced GPU usage on always enabled atest&srgb emulations.
Added some heuristics to select better config values automatically based on VRAM/RAM amounts
Disabled fullscreen mode - it was anyway broken, maybe will be fixed later
Disabled async constructors for low core-count systems, to avoid performance penalty on said systems.
Fixed PSO inconsistency due to hash collisions & unsafe type widening