An extension to add Royal Mail shipping rates to Magento 2.
This module is intended to be installed using composer. After including this component and enabling it, you can verify it is installed by going the backend at:
STORES -> Configuration -> ADVANCED/Advanced -> Disable Modules Output
Once there check that the module name shows up in the list to confirm that it was installed correctly.
cp composer.env.dist composer.env
cp current.env.dist current.env
docker-compose run cli /usr/local/bin/magento-installer
docker-compose run cli /tools/
docker-compose up -d
The site should now be available from http://magento2-royalmail.docker
We are experimenting with grump in this repository to sniff commits for code format violations.
You can run these manually by:
src/vendor/bin/grumphp run
Unit tests could be found in the Test/Unit directory.
Tests can be run through the docker environment
docker-composer run cli /tools/
Alternatively, run natively by:
cd src/
phpunit --coverage-html "coverage/" -c dev/tests/unit/phpunit.xml
If running composer update
natively in the src/ directory you can run it with the
--no-scripts options
to avoid errors.