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package should // import ""

Package should

This package strives to make it easy, even fun, for software
developers to produce > a quick, sure, and repeatable proof that
every element of the code works as it should. (See [The Programmer's

The simplest way is by combining the So function with the many provided
assertions, such as should.Equal:

    package whatever

    import (


    func Test(t *testing.T) {
    	should.So(t, 1, should.Equal, 1)

This package also implement an xUnit-style test runner, which is based on the
following packages:


For those using an IDE by JetBrains, you may find the following "live template"

    func Test$NAME$Suite(t *testing.T) {
    	should.Run(&$NAME$Suite{T: should.New(t)}, should.Options.UnitTests())

    type $NAME$Suite struct {

    func (this *$NAME$Suite) Setup() {

    func (this *$NAME$Suite) Test$END$() {

From a test method like the one in the template above, simply use the embedded
So method:

    func (this TheSuite) TestSomething() {
    	this.So(1, should.Equal, 1)

Happy testing!


var (
	ErrExpectedCountInvalid = errors.New("expected count invalid")
	ErrTypeMismatch         = errors.New("type mismatch")
	ErrKindMismatch         = errors.New("kind mismatch")
	ErrAssertionFailure     = errors.New("assertion failure")
var NOT negated
    NOT (a singleton) constrains all negated assertions to their own namespace.


func BeChronological(actual any, expected ...any) error
    BeChronological asserts whether actual is a []time.Time and whether the
    values are in chronological order.

func BeEmpty(actual any, expected ...any) error
    BeEmpty uses reflection to verify that len(actual) == 0.

func BeFalse(actual any, expected ...any) error
    BeFalse verifies that actual is the boolean false value.

func BeGreaterThan(actual any, EXPECTED ...any) error
    BeGreaterThan verifies that actual is greater than expected. Both actual and
    expected must be strings or numeric in type.

func BeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(actual any, expected ...any) error
    BeGreaterThanOrEqualTo verifies that actual is less than or equal to
    expected. Both actual and expected must be strings or numeric in type.

func BeIn(actual any, expected ...any) error
    BeIn determines whether actual is a member of expected[0]. It defers to

func BeLessThan(actual any, EXPECTED ...any) error
    BeLessThan verifies that actual is less than expected. Both actual and
    expected must be strings or numeric in type.

func BeLessThanOrEqualTo(actual any, expected ...any) error
    BeLessThanOrEqualTo verifies that actual is less than or equal to expected.
    Both actual and expected must be strings or numeric in type.

func BeNil(actual any, expected ...any) error
    BeNil verifies that actual is the nil value.

func BeTrue(actual any, expected ...any) error
    BeTrue verifies that actual is the boolean true value.

func Contain(actual any, expected ...any) error
    Contain determines whether actual contains expected[0]. The actual value may
    be a map, array, slice, or string:
      - In the case of maps the expected value is assumed to be a map key.
      - In the case of slices and arrays the expected value is assumed to be a
      - In the case of strings the expected value may be a rune or substring.

func EndWith(actual any, expected ...any) error
    EndWith verifies that actual ends with expected[0]. The actual value may be
    an array, slice, or string.

func Equal(actual any, EXPECTED ...any) error
    Equal verifies that the actual value is equal to the expected value. It uses
    reflect.DeepEqual in most cases, but also compares numerics regardless of
    specific type and compares time.Time values using the time.Equal method.

func HappenAfter(actual any, expected ...any) error
    HappenAfter ensures that the first time value happens after the second.

func HappenBefore(actual any, expected ...any) error
    HappenBefore ensures that the first time value happens before the second.

func HappenOn(actual any, expected ...any) error
    HappenOn ensures that two time values happen at the same instant. See the
    time.Time.Equal method for the details. This function defers to Equal to do
    the work.

func HappenWithin(actual any, expected ...any) error
    HappenWithin ensures that the first time value happens within a specified
    duration of the other time value. The actual value should be a time.Time.
    The first expected value should be a time.Duration. The second expected
    value should be a time.Time.

func HaveLength(actual any, expected ...any) error
    HaveLength uses reflection to verify that len(actual) == 0.

func Panic(actual any, expected ...any) (err error)
    Panic invokes the func() provided as actual and recovers from any panic.
    It returns an error if actual() does not result in a panic.

func Run(fixture any, options ...Option)
    Run accepts a fixture with Test* methods and optional setup/teardown
    methods and executes the suite. Fixtures must be struct types which embed a
    *suite.T. Assuming a fixture struct with test methods 'Test1' and 'Test2'
    execution would proceed as follows:

     1. fixture.SetupSuite()
     2. fixture.Setup()
     3. fixture.Test1()
     4. fixture.Teardown()
     5. fixture.Setup()
     6. fixture.Test2()
     7. fixture.Teardown()
     8. fixture.TeardownSuite()

    The methods provided by Options may be supplied to this function to tweak
    the execution.

func So(t *testing.T, actual any, assertion Func, expected ...any)
func StartWith(actual any, expected ...any) error
    StartWith verified that actual starts with expected[0]. The actual value may
    be an array, slice, or string.

func WrapError(actual any, expected ...any) error
    WrapError uses errors.Is to verify that actual is an error value that wraps
    expected[0] (also an error value).


type CompositeReporter struct {
	// Has unexported fields.

func NewCompositeReporter(reporters ...Reporter) *CompositeReporter

func (this *CompositeReporter) Helper()

func (this *CompositeReporter) Report(err error)

func (this *CompositeReporter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

type Func func(actual any, expected ...any) error

type LogReporter struct {
	// Has unexported fields.

func NewLogReporter(logger *log.Logger) *LogReporter

func (this LogReporter) Helper()

func (this LogReporter) Report(err error)

func (this LogReporter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

type Opt struct{}

var Options Opt
    Options provides the sole entrypoint to the option functions provided by
    this package.

func (Opt) FreshFixture() Option
    FreshFixture signals to Run that the new instances of the provided fixture
    are to be instantiated for each and every test case. The Setup and Teardown
    methods are also executed on the specifically instantiated fixtures. NOTE:
    the SetupSuite and TeardownSuite methods are always run on the provided
    fixture instance, regardless of this options having been provided.

func (Opt) IntegrationTests() Option
    IntegrationTests is a composite option that signals to Run that the test
    suite should be treated as an integration test suite, avoiding parallelism
    and utilizing shared fixtures to allow reuse of potentially expensive

func (Opt) LongRunning() Option
    LongRunning signals to Run that the provided fixture is long-running and
    should be skipped entirely in the case that testing.Short() returns true.

func (Opt) ParallelFixture() Option
    ParallelFixture signals to Run that the provided fixture instance can be
    executed in parallel with other go test functions. This option assumes that
    `go test` was invoked with the -parallel flag.

func (Opt) ParallelTests() Option
    ParallelTests signals to Run that the test methods on the provided fixture
    instance can be executed in parallel with each other. This option assumes
    that `go test` was invoked with the -parallel flag.

func (Opt) SharedFixture() Option
    SharedFixture signals to Run that the provided fixture instance is
    to be used to run all test methods. This mode is not compatible with
    ParallelFixture or ParallelTests and disables them.

func (Opt) UnitTests() Option
    UnitTests is a composite option that signals to Run that the test suite can
    be treated as a unit-test suite by employing parallelism and fresh fixtures
    to maximize the chances of exposing unwanted coupling between tests.

type Option func(*config)
    Option is a function that modifies a config. See Options for provided

type Reporter interface {

type T struct{ Reporter }

func New(t *testing.T) *T

func Report(reporters ...Reporter) *T

func (this *T) Log(v ...any)

func (this *T) Print(v ...any)

func (this *T) Printf(f string, v ...any)

func (this *T) Println(v ...any)

func (this *T) So(actual any, assertion Func, expected ...any) (ok bool)

type TestingReporter struct{ *testing.T }

func NewTestingReporter(t *testing.T) *TestingReporter

func (this *TestingReporter) Report(err error)

func (this *TestingReporter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

type WriterReporter struct{ io.Writer }

func NewWriterReporter(writer io.Writer) *WriterReporter

func (this *WriterReporter) Helper()

func (this *WriterReporter) Report(err error)