Please contact me if you'd like to take over management of the project.
Custom controller for Wordpress JSON API allowing you to get registered menus
Wordpress JSON API installed and activated
- Move "api-controllers" to your current theme's folder in Wordpress
- Add the text within "functions-snippet.php" to your theme's "functions.php" file
- Activate the "Menus" controller in WP Admin: Settings > JSON API > "Activate" (under the "menus" section)
- menu_id - String/Integer (can either be the ID or slug associated with a specific menu)
- menu_location - String (slug of a menu location)
- dev - if enabled (eg: dev=1), the output will be the unfiltered wp_get_nav_menu_items object
- Menu
- id - Integer (arbitrary ID associated with current menu item)
- menu_parent_id - Integer (if a menu item is set within WP Admin as a parent/child relationship, this id will refer to its parent within the current menu)
- menu_order - Integer (note: this is the output of the order set in WP Admin)
- label - String
- object_type - String (e.g., category, tag, page, custom, etc)
- object_id - Integer (ID used to pull back content from another api, eg: get_page)
- url - String (URL for menu items with ‘object_type’ = ‘custom’, ie: custom menu items added in WP Admin)