A super-simple, commented, noob-ish friendly example demonstrating how to generate an outline of complex shapes using an edge detection shader in a moduled threejs environment
Silhouette outline only-- no inside lines
Edge detection core logic (src/edge_frag.js and src/edgeAlbedo_frag.js) copypasted and minorly adapted from here
Click + drag scene to control camera position
Control outline thickness using the LINE_WEIGHT
var in the frag shaders
title: basic pipeline from original object to final scene output
flowchart LR
A[Original mesh `c`] --> B
B[`maskScene`] --> C
C[render texture `maskRt`] --> D
D[`matAlbedoOutline` material] --> E
E[`finalVizQuad` mesh] --> F[`scene`]
A --> G[`albedoScene`]
G --> H[render texture `albedoRt`]
H --> D
- Clone repo
- cd to repo root
$ npm i
to install pkgs (threejs, webpack, webpack-cli, webpack-dev-server)$npm run dev
to run the example via localhost