It's "another" MVI library but with a funny name. With this library you will be able to mutate your State by using a Action defined by using DSL.
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'dev.mcatta:polpetta:0.0.8'
The full reference documentation is available here.
You application's State must extend State
and your action the Action
class. Every Action
can prompt a Reducer
which basically manipulate your State.
sealed interface CounterState : State {
data class Count(val counter: Int) : TestState
data class Result(val message: String) : TestState
sealed interface CounterAction : Action {
object Increase : CounterAction
object Decrease : CounterAction
data class Set(val n: Int) : CounterAction
object DoNothing : CounterAction
object ToString : CounterAction
interface MySideEffect : SideEffect
This is you State and Actions definition, now you need to write a StateStore
which basically will persist your state and your Action/Reducer
class CounterStore(scope: CoroutineScope) : StateStore<CounterAction, CounterState, MySideEffect>(
coroutineScope = scope,
initialState = CounterState.Count(0),
reducerFactory = {
on<CounterAction.Decrease, CounterState.Count> { action, state ->
state.mutate { copy(counter = counter - 1) }
on<CounterAction.Increase, CounterState.Count> { action, state ->
state.mutate { copy(counter = counter + 1) }
on<CounterAction.Set, CounterState.Count> { action, state ->
state.mutate { copy(counter = action.n) }
on<CounterAction.DoNothing> { action, state ->
on<CounterAction.ToString, CounterState.Count> { action, state ->
state.transform<CounterState.Result> { CounterState.Result(counter.toString()) }
// ...
You can add the debugMode = true
to enable the logging.
StateStore<CounterAction, CounterState, MySideEffect>(
coroutineScope = scope,
debugMode = true,
initialState = CounterState.Count(0),
reducerFactory = {}
The reducer supports three types of operations:
{ action, state -> state.nothing() }
which basically doesn't change the state
{ action, state -> state.mutate { copy(counter = counter + 1) } }
which mutate the properties of the current state (Note: your state must be data class
in order to copy it)
{ action, state -> state.transform { CounterState.Result(counter.toString()) } }
which allows to change the current state into a new one of different type
Polpetta supports also side effects. In order to support that we need to specify which SideEffect
class we want to use:
class CounterStore(scope: CoroutineScope) : StateStore<CounterAction, CounterState, MySideEffect>
otherwise we can say Nothing
class CounterStore(scope: CoroutineScope) : StateStore<CounterAction, CounterState, Nothing>
Then given a specific SideEffect event we can prompt it inside the Reducer's scope, like this:
// Inside the StateStore
on<TestAction.Increase, TestState.Count> { _, stateModifier ->
sideEffect(TestSideEffect.Toast("Show message"))
stateModifier.mutate<TestState.Count> { copy(counter + 1) }
// On the View
testStore.sideEffectFlow.collect {}
Copyright 2025 Marco Cattaneo
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.