Portfolio website by: jigar-sable (Jigar Sable)
This project is a portfolio website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript languages and Bootstrap framework. The original creator was Jigar Sable.
The portfolio website includes the following features:
Home page: the home page introduces the user and provides a brief summary of the content included in the portfolio. This page provides a brief introduction and a summary of the portfolio.
Projects: this page shows the different projects the author has completed. Each project is accompanied by an image or icon and a short description of the project. The user can click on the project to learn more about it.
Detailed projects: this page provides detailed information about the selected project. It includes the name of the project, a description, technologies used, and shows pictures or videos of the project. It also provides links to the project source code or further information.
About me: This page presents the maker's personal information, career path, interests and skills. It provides links to social media profiles and contact information.
Contact: this page allows visitors to contact the creator. Users can fill out a form that includes an email address, name and message. By clicking on the contact button, the message will be sent to the creator.
To view the portfolio website, follow the steps below:
To view the portfolio website, follow the steps below:
- Clone the project's GitHub repository to your computer.
git clone https://github.com/mayerbalintdev/portfolio.git
- Navigate to the root directory of the project.
cd portfolio
- Open the index.html file in your favourite web browser.
open index.html
You can now see the portfolio website and browse the different pages.
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
The portfolio website uses the following technologies and tools:
HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Bootstrap framework
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
- Mayer Bálint - Mayer Bálint - Editor
- Jigar Sable - Jigar Sable - Code of origin