I have made a photographic website. A photographer can take inspiration from the photos that get uploaded on this site. Also, there is a join now button through which a user can join our photographic community. Once the user clicks on the join us button, they get redirected to a new webpage that contains a form. If the user fills the form his information gets saved into a database.
You can have a look at my website through my LinkedIn post https://www.linkedin.com/posts/the-mayank-kumar_html-css-php-activity-6822880037423992832-cRhP
I have also hosted this site on the internet using free hosting. The domain name is https://catching-miles.000webhostapp.com/
I am also providing the PHP code in this repository. It will work perfectly on your device if you will use XAMPP software and your database and table name are 'project' and 'info' respectively. In other cases, you have to make changes to the PHP code.
The future scope of this project is to make the site responsive and to add the functionality by which a user can-
- upload an image on the site.
- can download an image from the site.
- can book a freelancer photographer from the website.
Make pull requests. Updation on this is site high will hlghly appreciable. Thank You