Is a Helm Chart to start Daemonsets on each K8S node for tailing logs using fluentd tail_in and publish on to s3 bucket using fluentd-plugin-s3.
A Daeamonset will start with pods launching fluentd with config as mentione din values.yaml
.The pod is supposed to have kube2iam annotation for providing the pod enough permission to write to s3 bucket.
- Create an IAM role & an S3 bucket, keep the role arn handy to prode in
helm install
command - Install kube2iam on all nodes
- Update region and bucket info in the values.yaml
- Run below commands to install/upgrade/uninstall
helm install fluentd-s3/ --name fluentd-s3 --namespace log --set awsRole=arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/FluentdS3Publisher
helm upgrade fluentd-s3 fluentd-s3/ --namespace log --set awsRole=arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/FluentdS3Publisher
helm delete --purge fluentd-s3