Author: Maxx Boehme Date: 8/9/2013 Version: 1 Last Modified: 8/9/2013
Program that given a text file that contains only ASCII characters, compute the lower bound of bits needed for lossless compression of the file.
Example use command-line$ java -ea LowerBound test.txt
Compression Program is invoked with the name of a test file. This program will create a compressed file and write it to disk. It is implemented using the "trie" based approach to construct the dictionary. The name of the compressed file is obtained by concatenating the name of the input file with the string ".cpz".
Example command-line$ java -ea LZcoding c test
Decompression Program is invokeable with the name of a compressed file, and will write a decompressed fiel to the disk. As with the compression part the dictionary will be constructed using the "trie" structure. The decompressed file is determined by concatenating the name of the input file with the string ".dcz".
Example command-line$ java -ea LZcoding d test.cpz