This clickstart sets up a SBT build service, repository and a basic Play 2 application.
Launch this clickstart and glory could be yours too ! Use it as a building block if you like.
You can launch this on Cloudbees via a clickstart automatically, or follow the instructions below.
Create application:
bees app:create MYAPP_ID
Create a new software project in Jenkins, changing the following:
Add this git repository (or yours, with this code) on Jenkins
Change JDK to:
Oracle JDK 1.7 (Latest)
Add an "Execute Shell" build step with:
java -Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=384M -jar /opt/sbt/sbt-launch-0.11.3-2.jar -Dsbt.log.noformat=true dist
Also add a post-build step "Deploy to CloudBees" with those parameters:
Applications: First Match Application Id: MYAPP_ID Filename Pattern: dist/*.zip
Then finally update your application from your own computer:
bees config:set -a MYAPP_ID -Rjava_version=1.7 containerType=play2 proxyBuffering=false
bees app:restart MYAPP_ID
You will need play2 installed, or sbt (this jenkins build currently uses SBT).
In the play2-clickstart directory, open a command line, and then type:
play dist
Then deploy it on cloudbees typing:
bees app:deploy -a MYAPP_ID -t play2 -Rjava_version=1.7 dist/*.zip proxyBuffering=false
You will need a locally running MySQL server for this instance, or you can use your cloudbees DB created above as part of of the clickstart.
provide the environment variables so Play can connect to your DB:
Use the following command, and then browse to localhost:9000:
play run
To get your cloudbees DB info - run bees db:info -p youraccount/appname(from your clickstart)