The widget adds a live Erlang console to your webiste. The console connects to a virtual Erlang on Xen instance. A new instance gets created upon each web page load. Instance are destroyed immediately when the web page closes.
The purpose of the Live Erlang widget is to help people to try Erlang with minimum effort. With the widget, web-based Erlang training can be made more interactive.
First add to your webpage a div that has 'live-erlang' class:
<div class="live-erlang"></div>
You can size and style the div the way you want. Now add the live-erlang script right before the end of the document body:
<script src="/js/live-erlang-0.1.js"></script>
This is it. Note that you may have multiple Live Erlang consoles on a single web page.
The widget can use different images for each console. The image type is specified using the data-image attribute:
<div class="live-erlang" data-image="standard"></div>
Two image types are recognised now: 'standard' and 'elixir'. If you need a custom image, which, for instance, contains specific modules or files, please, contact us at [email protected].
Additionally, the console may automatically switch to a custom shell. This is particularly useful for an Elixir shell. Use 'data-shell' attribute to select a custom shell, e.g.
<div class="live-erlang" data-image="elixir" data-shell="Elixir-IEx"></div>
See and