Table of Contents
This course is focus on Maze Solving behavior of robot In a Simulation based on ROS2. Computer Vision is the key focus with integrated important robotics algorithms of Motion Planning . The type of robot we will be using is Differential Drive Robot with a caster wheel . Course is structured with below main headings .
- Custom Robot Creation
- Gazebo and Rviz Integrations
- Localization
- Navigation
- Path Planning
From our robot to last computer vision Node ,we will create every thing from scratch . Python Object Oriented programming practices will be utilized for better development.
- Follow along the Wiki guide to setup the project.
- Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS)
- ROS2 - Foxy Fitzroy
- Python 3.6
- Opencv 4.2
You can access section wise notes here -> PDFs
- Computer Vision -> PDFs
Udemy Discounted Course Link [Discounted Link]
Muhammad Luqman
- Website: Robotisim
- Github: Luqman.git
- LinkedIn:
Haider Abbasi
- Github: Haider.git
- LinkedIn:
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for more information.