[This has been abandoned, please fork it. If you want this to continue please make an issue on this repository or send me an email at [email protected]]
DO NOT USE! This is a development version and it will not work.
The goal of this script is to automatically compile GPG and all of the dependecies (build-essentials and all dependecies) to allow for the script to work on almost all architectures and linux operating systems.
This script installs GnuPG-1.4.19 or upgrades current version to GnuPG-1.4.19.
The goal of this script is to upgrade all of the GnuPG V.1.* to V.1.4.19 as there are many vulnerable versions floating around, even the last version is vulnerable.
This is script is in development.
My goal for the requirements are: A linux distro, tar and sha1sum.
Please check the sha1sum from the sha file e.g. sha1sum GnuPG1.4.19.sh and compare it with .sha file.
This is a version of https://github.com/mathwhiz1212/autocompilegpg that allows for more operating systems and architectures and carries the assurance that there is nothing in the dependecies (GCC) that shouldn't be there.
For the faster version of the script that compiles GPG from source but does not compile gcc but uses a precompiled version: https://github.com/mathwhiz1212/autocompilegpg
This script is licensed under GPLv3, GnuPG is licensed under GPLv3+ and GCC is licensed under GPLv3.