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Quentin VERMANDE committed Apr 21, 2023
1 parent 6664b11 commit a57ab3e
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Showing 3 changed files with 533 additions and 1 deletion.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion _CoqProject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ theories/xmathcomp/map_gal.v

-R theories Abel
-arg -w -arg -projection-no-head-constant
Expand All @@ -15,4 +17,4 @@ theories/xmathcomp/real_closed_ext.v
-arg -w -arg -ambiguous-paths
-arg -w -arg +non-primitive-record
-arg -w -arg +undeclared-scope
-arg -w -arg +implicit-core-hint-db
-arg -w -arg +implicit-core-hint-db
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions theories/xmathcomp/artin_scheier.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_fingroup all_algebra.
From mathcomp Require Import all_solvable all_field polyrcf.
From Abel Require Import various classic_ext map_gal algR.
From Abel Require Import char0 cyclotomic_ext real_closed_ext.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Import GRing.Theory.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Section ArtinSchreier.
Variable (p : nat) (F0 : fieldType) (L : splittingFieldType F0).
Variable (E : {subfield L}) (x : L).
Hypothesis (pchar : p \in [char L]) (xpE : x ^+ p - x \in E).

Let pprim : prime p.
Proof. by move: pchar=>/andP[]. Qed.

Let p0 : p%:R == 0 :> L.
Proof. by move: pchar=>/andP[_]. Qed.

Let p1 : (1 < p)%N.
Proof. by apply prime_gt1. Qed.

Lemma ArtinScheier_factorize :
'X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P =
\prod_(z <- [seq x + (val i)%:R | i <- (index_enum (ordinal_finType p))])
('X - z%:P).
case: p pchar pprim p0 p1 => // n nchar nprim n0 n1.
apply/eqP; rewrite -eqp_monic; first last.
- by apply monic_prod_XsubC.
- apply/monicP; rewrite -addrA -opprD lead_coefDl ?lead_coefXn//.
by rewrite size_opp size_XaddC size_polyXn ltnS.
- rewrite eqp_sym -dvdp_size_eqp.
rewrite big_map size_prod; last first.
move=> [i]/= _ _; apply/negP => /eqP
/(congr1 (fun p : {poly L} => size p)).
by rewrite size_XsubC size_polyC eqxx.
have ->: \big[addn/0%N]_(i < n.+1) size ('X - (x + (val i)%:R)%:P)%R =
\big[addn/0%N]_(i < n.+1) 2%N.
by apply eq_bigr=> i _; rewrite size_XsubC.
rewrite big_const_ord iter_addn_0.
rewrite -add1n mul2n -addnn addnA card_ord -addnBA// subnn addn0 add1n.
rewrite -addrA -opprD size_addl size_polyXn// size_opp size_XaddC ltnS.
by move: pchar => /andP [ /prime_gt1 ].
apply uniq_roots_dvdp.
apply/allP => + /mapP [i _ ->] => _.
rewrite/root !hornerE ?hornerXn -(Frobenius_autE nchar (x + (val i)%:R)).
(* FIXME: remove ?hornerXn when requiring MC >= 1.16.0 *)
rewrite rmorphD/= rmorph_nat (Frobenius_autE nchar x).
rewrite opprD opprB addrACA -addrA 2![x+_]addrA subrr add0r.
by rewrite addrAC addrCA subrr addr0 addrC subrr.
rewrite uniq_rootsE; apply/(uniqP 0) => i j.
rewrite 2!inE size_map => ilt jlt.
rewrite (nth_map ord0)// (nth_map ord0)// => /addrI/esym/eqP.
set ip := nth ord0 (index_enum (ordinal_finType n.+1)) i.
set jp := nth ord0 (index_enum (ordinal_finType n.+1)) j.
suff: jp = ip.
rewrite/ip/jp => /esym ijE0.
by move: (index_enum_uniq (ordinal_finType n.+1))=>/uniqP
/(_ i j ilt jlt ijE0).
wlog ij : {i} {j} {ilt} {jlt} ip jp / (val ip <= val jp)%N.
move=> h.
move: (Order.TotalTheory.le_total (val ip) (val jp)) => /orP; case => ij.
by apply h.
by rewrite eq_sym=> ijE; apply /esym/h.
rewrite -subr_eq0 -natrB// -(dvdn_charf nchar).
case /posnP: (val jp - val ip)%N.
move=>/eqP; rewrite subn_eq0 => ji _; apply/val_inj/eqP.
by rewrite Order.POrderTheory.eq_le; apply/andP; split.
move=>ij0 /(dvdn_leq ij0); rewrite ltn_subRL -addnS.
move=>/(leq_trans (leq_addl _ _)).
have: (val jp < n.+1)%N by destruct jp.
by rewrite ltnS => jle; move => /(leq_ltn_trans jle); rewrite ltnn.

Lemma ArtinSchreier_splitting :
splittingFieldFor E ('X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P) <<E; x>>%AS.
exists ([seq x + (val i)%:R | i <- (index_enum (ordinal_finType p))]).
by rewrite ArtinScheier_factorize big_map eqpxx.
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubv; apply/andP; split.
apply/Fadjoin_seqP; split; first by apply subv_adjoin.
move=>+ /mapP [i _ ->] => _.
apply (@rpredD _ _ (memv_addrPred <<E; x>>%AS)); first by apply memv_adjoin.
by apply rpred_nat.
apply/FadjoinP; split; first by apply subv_adjoin_seq.
case: p pchar pprim p0 p1 => // n nchar nprim n0 n1.
apply/seqv_sub_adjoin/mapP; exists ord0; first by apply mem_index_enum.
by rewrite addr0.

Lemma ArtinSchreier_polyOver :
'X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P \is a polyOver E.
Proof. by rewrite rpredB ?polyOverC// rpredB ?rpredX// polyOverX. Qed.

Lemma ArtinSchreier_galois :
galois E <<E; x>>.
apply/splitting_galoisField; exists ('X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P); split.
- exact ArtinSchreier_polyOver.
- rewrite/separable_poly derivB derivC subr0 derivB derivXn derivX -scaler_nat.
move: pchar; rewrite inE => /andP[_ /eqP ->].
rewrite scale0r add0r.
apply/Bezout_eq1_coprimepP; exists (0, (-1)) => /=.
by rewrite mul0r add0r mulN1r opprK.
- by apply ArtinSchreier_splitting.

Lemma minPoly_ArtinSchreier : (x \notin E) ->
minPoly E x = 'X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P.
move=> xE.
have /(minPoly_dvdp ArtinSchreier_polyOver): root ('X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P) x.
rewrite ArtinScheier_factorize root_prod_XsubC.
case: p pchar pprim p0 p1 => // n nchar nprim n0 n1.
apply/mapP; exists ord0; first by rewrite mem_index_enum.
by rewrite addr0.
rewrite ArtinScheier_factorize big_map.
move=> /dvdp_prod_XsubC[m]; rewrite eqp_monic ?monic_minPoly//; last first.
by rewrite monic_prod// => i _; rewrite monic_XsubC.
have [{}m sm ->] := resize_mask m (index_enum (ordinal_finType p)).
set s := mask _ _ => /eqP mEx.
have [|smp_gt0] := posnP (size s).
case: s mEx => // /(congr1 (horner^~x))/esym/eqP.
by rewrite minPolyxx big_nil hornerC oner_eq0.
suff leq_pm : (p <= size s)%N.
move: mEx; suff /eqP->: s == index_enum (ordinal_finType p) by [].
rewrite -(geq_leqif (size_subseq_leqif _)) ?mask_subseq//.
by rewrite/index_enum; case: index_enum_key=>/=; rewrite -enumT size_enum_ord.
have /polyOverP/(_ (size s).-1%N) := minPolyOver E x; rewrite {}mEx.
have ->: \prod_(i <- s) ('X - (x + (val i)%:R)%:P) = \prod_(i <- [seq x + (val i)%:R | i <- s]) ('X - i%:P) by rewrite big_map.
rewrite -(size_map (fun i => x + (val i)%:R)) coefPn_prod_XsubC size_map -?lt0n// big_map.
rewrite memvN big_split/= big_const_seq count_predT iter_addr_0 => DE.
have sE: \sum_(i <- s) i%:R \in E by apply rpred_sum => i _; apply rpred_nat.
move:(rpredB DE sE) => {DE} {sE}.
rewrite -addrA subrr addr0 => xsE.
apply/negP => sltp.
have /coprimeP: coprime (size s) p.
by rewrite coprime_sym (prime_coprime _ pprim); apply/negP => /(dvdn_leq smp_gt0).
move=> /(_ smp_gt0) [[u v]]/= uv1.
have /ltnW vltu: (v * p < u * size s)%N by rewrite ltnNge -subn_eq0 uv1.
move:uv1 => /eqP; rewrite -(eqn_add2l (v * p)) addnBA// addnC -addnBA// subnn addn0 => /eqP sE.
move: xsE => /(rpredMn u); rewrite -mulrnA mulnC sE addn1 mulrS mulrnA -mulr_natr.
move: p0 => /eqP ->; rewrite mulr0 addr0.
by move: xE => /negP.

End ArtinSchreier.


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