Download the
from the Siemens servers and place it in the root folder of the repository.
Then execute:
unzip -d container/app
patch -s -p0 < patch-unpacked-polarion.patch
(Patch created with diff -ur container/app/Polarion container/app/Polarion.patched > patch-unpacked-polarion.patch
podman build -t polarion-app -f app.Containerfile container/app
podman build -t polarion-postgres -f postgres.Containerfile container/postgres
First start postgres container and create the pod:
podman run -d --restart=always --pod new:polarion_pod --name polarion-postgres -p 8080:80-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword polarion-postgres
Then add the polarion-app container to the pod:
podman run --pod polarion_pod --name polarion-app -ti -d polarion-app
Polarion is now available under http://localhost:8080
Actual Polarion installation is done during Container building phase.
An answer text file is piped into the installation to fill in the interactive
prompts shown by the installation file. Each line in the install-*.answers.txt
corresponds to one prompt:
The prompts of the manual installation:
- Press "Enter" to continue with manual installation... Or press "Ctrl+C" to stop the installation.
- Do you want use a new local SVN repository with default settings?: Type answer <yes|no>, default [yes]
For reference, even though not used anymore during container build, the prompts of the automated installation:
- Press "Enter" to continue with a clean installation... Or press "Ctrl+C" to stop the installation.
- Do you want use a new local SVN repository with default settings?: Type answer <yes|no>, default [yes]
- Would you like to check and install the prerequisities? Type answer <yes|no>, default [yes]
- Do you want to copy predefined conf. files into /etc/httpd? Type answer <yes|no>, default [no]
- Do you want to initialize and configure PostgreSQL database for Polarion? Type answer <yes|no>, default [yes]
- Please, set a password for user 'polarion' through which Polarion will connect to the database: Password:
- When you are done press Enter to continue. Or press "Ctrl+C" to halt the script. You can re-run it later.
- Do you want initialize the repository now? Type answer <yes|no>, default [yes]
- Would you like install Polarion sample data? Type answer <yes|no>, default [yes]
- Do you want start Polarion now? Type answer <yes|no>, default [yes]