- At least 2 Nordic boards with Bluetooth LE 5.1 support:
- nRF52833 Development Kit boards (PCA10100)
- Use one board as a locator and rest as beacons
- An antenna array:
- Texas Instrument BoostXL antenna array
- Connect the antenna array to the locator
- Read ncs/nrf/applications/direction_finding/aoa_locator_cl_cte/README.rst to know how to connect
- Locator:
- Connect locator device
- Change directory to: ncs/nrf/applications/direction_finding/aoa_beacon_cl_cte/
- Run the build & run command given below
- Beacon:
- Disconnect locator and connect beacon
- Change directory to: ncs/nrf/applications/direction_finding/aoa_beacon_cl_cte/
- Run the build & run command given below
- Server:
- Receives IQ sample from the locator once the locator starts receiving packets from beacons
- Currently user serial port to receive data from the locator
- Processes IQ samples using MUSIC algorithm to reduce noise
- Calculates azimuth and elevation angle of arrival and 2D location in image view
- Once the locator and beacon are up and running
- Open jupyter notebook:
jupyter notebook
- Run Server/end_to_end.ipynb
- Open jupyter notebook:
nrfjprog --family nRF52 -e
west build -b nrf52833dk_nrf52833 -d build
west flash
- Clone the project:
- Install git if not installed:
sudo apt install git
- Clone:
git clone https://github.com/masumbillah74/localizationAR
- Install git if not installed:
- Install python and pip:
sudo apt install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
- Virtual environment:
- Before advancing through next steps it is strongly reccomended to use a virtual environment
- Install virtualenv:
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
- Create virtualenv:
python3 -m venv virtualenv_name
- Activate virtualenv:
source virtualenv_name/bin/activate
- Tips: Create a script for recurrent virtual environment activation.
- Save the script in home directory as <your_script_name>.sh.
- Set permission: chmod 777 ~/<your_script_name>.sh
- Activate your virtual environment:
source ~/<your_script_name>.sh
Script for recurrent activation:
source <address/virtualenv_name>/bin/activate
- Installation for beacon and locator:
- Install J-Link Software and Documentation Pack: https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink
- Install the nRF command line tool: https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Development-tools/nrf-command-line-tools/download#infotabs
- Add nRF command line tool to PATH:
export PATH="<parent_directory>/nrf-command-line-tools/bin:$PATH"
- Add nRF command line tool to PATH:
- Install cmake: https://cmake.org/download/
- Add cmake to PATH:
export PATH="<cmake_parent_directory>/bin:$PATH"
- Add cmake to PATH:
- Install west:
pip install west
- Installation for the server code:
pip install jupyter notebook
pip install pyserial
pip install pandas
pip install pyargus
pip install matplotlib
- ``pip install seaborn`
- Once all of the dependencies are installed, deploy the locator code and beacon code to associated devices and launch the server code.