This fullstack application aims to provide a robust and secure authentication solution catering to both users and administrators. With features tailored for seamless user management, including registration, login, profile management, and password security enhancements, alongside powerful administrative capabilities such as user management and profile oversight, our system ensures a streamlined experience for all stakeholders.
Live Previewgit clone
cd nextjs_complete_authentication
npm install
npm run dev
Copy and paste it from your firebase project setting.
Library | Uses |
axios | make HTTP request |
react | JavaScript library for building user interfaces. |
react-dom | React package for working with the DOM. |
bcrypt | Hash password securely |
react-icons | Library for including popular icon packs in React applications. |
tailwindcss | Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development. |
flowbite | Utility library for Tailwind CSS that provides pre-designed UI components. |
jsonwebtoken | Library for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWT). |
mongoose | MongoDB object modeling tool for Node.js. |
next | React framework for server-rendered applications. |
- Registration
- Login
- Sign Out
- Profile
- Change Password
- Registration
- Login
- Sign Out
- View User List