Goone is a packing go code utility tool. Mainly, This help you to create snippet for competitive programming. This packs the target source code with depended other code share the same package.
go get
goone [command]
Available Commands:
gen Generate Packed source files
help Help about any command
pack Pack target source code file with depended files share the package name into single file
-c, --config string config file path (default: ~/.config/goone/config.toml)
-h, --help help for goone
Use "goone [command] --help" for more information about a command.
goone pack ./main.go --package main -o ./example_out.go
goone gen ./ --package main -o ./generated -p snip-compe-
You can set template file path in config.toml like this.
templatefile = "/Users/masumi/.config/goone/template.go"
Template is required to match go's text/template format like this.
package {{ .Package }}
// packed from {{ .SrcFiles }} with goone.
// {{"{{_cursor_}}"}}
{{ .Imports }}
{{ .Decls }}
Usable attributes are here.