A graphical client for the SoulSeek peer-to-peer system.
Nicotine+ is an attempt to keep Nicotine working with the latest libraries, kill bugs, keep current with the Soulseek protocol, and add some new features that users want and/or need.
Website | https://www.nicotine-plus.org |
Code & Bug Tracker | https://github.com/Nicotine-Plus/nicotine-plus |
IRC | https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=nicotine+ |
PPA for Debian/Ubuntu (Stable) | https://launchpad.net/~kip/+archive/ubuntu/nicotine+ |
PPA for Debian/Ubuntu (Unstable) | https://launchpad.net/~kip/+archive/ubuntu/nicotine+unstable |
Nicotine+ uses a versioning scheme similar to what gnome does:
Stable releases have an even minor version number, ex: 1.4.x, 1.6.x, ...
Unstable releases have an odd minor version number, ex: 1.3.x, 1.5.x, ...
To run it from git master see: RUNFROMGIT
A Debian/Ubuntu repository containing the latest git master-based packages is also available: GITDEB
For packaging instructions see: PACKAGING
For downstream packages patches see: DISTRO_PATCHES
You want to help? See a list of things TODO
Nicotine+ is not translated in your language? See: TRANSLATIONS
You want to contact someone? See: MAINTAINERS
- GeoIP python bindings for Country lookup: need an alternative (unmaintained).
- python-notify for notification support: need an alternative (unmaintained).
- MiniUPnPc python module or binary for opening ports on your router.
- Python for Windows Extensions for hiding directories from your shares (Windows only).