Unofficial PHP API client library for the OpenFIGI API service.
composer require marekskopal/openfigi
use MarekSkopal\OpenFigi\OpenFigi;
use MarekSkopal\OpenFigi\Enum\IntervalEnum;
// Create OpenFIGI instance
$openFigi = new OpenFigi('<yourApiKey>');
// Get the mapping for the AAPL ticker
$mappingJob = new MappingJob(idType: IdTypeEnum::Ticker, idValue: 'AAPL');
$mappingResults = $openFigi->mapping([$mappingJob]));
This is NOT an official OpenFIGI library, and the authors of this library are not affiliated with OpenFIGI or Bloomberg Finance L.P. in any way, shape or form.
If you want to contribute, feel free to submit a pull request.