The purpose of this API is to do all the management of amounts sent by retail customers and transfer these values to another cashback API that will actually generate cashback for the retailer's customer.
Project developed based on the following specifications:
I chose to include some complementary business rules:
- Validation and sanitization of the CPF using the validate-docbr library
- Validation of the total purchase made by the user
- Rules for calculating 🤑 cashback:
- Values < $250.00: cashback 1.5%
- Values > $250.00 and <= $500.00: cashback 3.5%
- Values > $500.00 e <= $1.000.00: cashback 5.0%
- Values > $1000.00: cashback 8.0%
Below Screenshot from the browsable API:
This project was developed with the following tecnologies:
- Python 3.9.6
- Django 3.2.6
- Django Rest Framework 3.12.4
The reason for choosing Django and Django Rest Framework was the practicality and productivity for the creation of REST API's, besides particularly liking these tools. 🥰
The database used for this application was sqlite3
. Because it is already installed and configured with Django, it makes the development a lot easier.
1. Preparing the environment
I recommend using a virtualenv to run the application locally.
Virtualenv is already included in standard library of the Python3. You can create a virtual environment using the command below:
python3 -m venv venv
Activate your virtual environment
(Unix or MacOS) $ source venv/bin/activate
(Windows) ...\> env\Scripts\activate.bat
With the virtual environment activated, install the dependencies that are in the requirements.txt file, using the command below:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Migrate the models to the database
./ makemigrations
./ migrate
Run the application
./ runserver
2. Registration and Authorization
The application has authentication by token and session, so it is necessary to create a user and then access the api with the token or using login and password
- Creating user
You can create a user via the /api/signup
route. Or simply create a superuser directly in the terminal using the command:
(venv) $ ./ createsuperuser
- Accessing the application using the token
After user created, you need to request a token, making a post request to the address /api-token
which will return Json with the token, if the user is authenticated correctly
You can also make this request using python's requests library.
import requests
url = "http://localhost:8000/api-token/"
payload={'username': 'USERNAME', 'password': 'PASSWORD'}
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload)
out: {"token":"ae63b18092790b29cc7a58eb573be05ad5954b2d"}
With the token you can normally use the API, remembering to pass the token in the header with the Authorization key and value 'Token ' For more details on how to use the token you can check the DRF documentation
- If you want to use the browsable API (which is much more interesting) you can authenticate by entering the username and password created earlier
3. In operation
Example of creating a purchase (with Postman):
If the data is correct they will be saved and a request to the external API, which will generate the cashback. Reply from the post request made by the retailer's customer will be the reply from the external API.
"message":"Cashback criado com sucesso!",
This answer is also saved in the database.
If any data is not correct, they will not be saved, no external API request and definition or reason for the error will be made.
Example Invalid cpf and and total values don't match:
- Get token for API access
- List all buy
(GET) /api/buy/
- Create new buy
(POST) /api/buy/
- Show an specific buy
(GET) /api/buy/{id}/
- Update a specific buy
(PUT) /api/buy/{id}/
(PATCH) /api/buy/{id}/
- Delete an specific buy
(DELETE) /api/buy/{id}/
👀 For more information about endpoints, see the documentation on endpoint (GET)/api/doc/
- Marco Capozzoli: @marcocapozzoli (