This is a small script for create csv's archives for import images to anki like visual chain information. By Reset Reboot and Marco García Baturan.
The bulk of code is from Reset, and me just close little detailes related with nature of Anki SRS. The objective of this script is create a large deck of flashcards whit this structure:
card 1: Side A: img-1 Side B: img-2
Card 2: Side A: img-2 Side B: img-3
Repeat the procces untill infinite. This is usefull for memorice autobiographical memories in order using the visual-spatial agenda, and create a link betweens images of memories very easy and fast, increase the auotbiographical meory in users.
Instruction: Just put the script in forlder full of photos, and open terminal and run the script:
$ python
And then you open Anki, create a deck and finally import data from CSV with option 'Allow HTML' activated.
Best reegards,
Marco & Reset.